and so it starts

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Liy stood at the door, possibilities of what could possibly be behind it filled her head like wildfire, she loved it. But, never for so much as a second did she expect what was really behind that door. The door was located in EXIT, which was in Four's head. Naturally, whatever was behind this door had something to do with them. Or at least they might know what lies behind it, oh boy did Four know. After not long, Liy discovered the door was locked. She used a larger than average stapler to unlock the door, it unlocked with ease. She didn't get a chance to open that door, she was interrupted by Four coming into the EXIT. They knew damn well what they where up to, but there wasn't exactly much they could do. After a couple days, Liy had nearly forgotten about the door. It wasn't until the excitement of not knowing hit her like a ton of bricks, she glanced back at the door with curiosity in her eyes. So full of bliss, she walked to the back of the class and placed her hand gently on the knob. Stapy and a few others stood around her, also anxious to know what was in there. She opened the door, but there was nothing. Just black. Liy stepped inside the room, where the EXIT once was, there was only black. And the room she'd entered was filled with dim yellow light. A large room, a gigantic room, full of 64 hospital beds, each fit with a human. At the end of each bed was a label, the labels all had things written on them. Names. Objects. She looked at the person in front of her, it was Firey. A stubby red-head with a soft line of freckles across his face, his eyes closed, face calm, his eyes had bags. Likely from being asleep for .... God knows how long ... She looked ahead and saw one of the figures shoot up and gasp, scaring her half to death Liy tripped backwards and fell back through the door, half of her in each room. She could no longer see the hospital room, eliminated contestants hovered over her, confused as to what was beyond the door. She was sweating, breathing heavily, and looking from face to face as they tried to snap her out of this state. She stuttered to find words, she couldn't begin to understand what she'd just seen and she didn't want to accept it. She scooted the rest of her body back into the EXIT and kicked the door shut with force, all she could do was cry. So she placed her palms gently on her eyes, and proceeded to weep quietly. Stapy leaned by her side, attempting to comfort her.

What Liy didn't know was that when that door was open, the real world had access to BFB, meaning it would begin to leak in, reality began to take over. But as soon as the door had shut, everything retreated. In that moment of bad luck, a contestant was killed outside of Four. Not a big deal, happens all the time. Lollipop was shattered during a contest, normally she'd expect to be recovered. But that didn't happen, she shot up in a cold sweat. She was in a hospital room, she glanced around quickly, unable to take in anything more than the fact that there were other beds. Suddenly, a door slammed. She fell out of her bed, hot tears rolled down her face, she had no control over them. She wasn't sad, she didn't know what this feeling was. She realized the beds had people, they looked like how she did now. She was different, human. She drug herself around, reading the labels. Her eyes refusing to focus, she squinted at them as she moved her face as close as it would go. She was at Taco's bed, this was all too much. She knew somewhat what this meant, but why ...? How? Suddenly she felt herself becoming woozy, she was recovered and back in BFB, she popped into 'reality' in fear. She didn't say anything to Four, knowing that she couldn't trust them nor X with this info, what if they were behind it? She tried her best to act normal, but it became unbearingly difficult. It made her head throb, she decided to tell someone about this. But who?

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