that's to bad she was nice I don't need her but she made things easier

The door suddenly opened and I turned to face them mid hand stand It reminded me of what ty lee used to do

in the middle of a conversation she'd be doing back bends hand stands and front flips

I dropped to the floor slowly and smiled at my new geusts

Looks like the whole gang is here whatever reason should I be welcoming all of you

The avatar looked sad he didn't look me in the eyes and neither did any of the rest of them except for my brother

What is it did I kill her? it's not my fault that little thing couldn't survive a little burn

I hope she isn't dead, she's annoying but she doesn't deserve death I don't even think I shot that hard at her

but I didn't get that good of a look at her burns the way there looking at me something bads happened

No you didn't kill her the water tribe boy stepped forward she's going to be fine no thanks to you

oh.. okay good its not like I was trying to hurt her

Azula I'm so sorry

The Avatar looked like guilt was eating him up from the inside.

Oh.... well I geuss this was bound to happen eventually

So you know what were here to do, I'm not surprised you figured it out

The avatar tried smiling at me as if he had any right

I sat down and tryed to steady my shaking hands I wouldn't be able to
take them all down not like this

They were gaurding the door even if I made it past them I would need a key to leave the cell block

This is really it

Make it quick I'd rather not make a scene I don't want father to hear either

This is what's best for you Azula

No it's whats best for you don't even try that I'm surprised though I never thought you had it in you Zuzu

I hate you and after this no matter where I go I'm making your life a liveing hell

Aang stepped forward and placed a hand on my neck and the other on my forehead the avatar himself will deal the blow what an honor

My hands shook beneath me and I forced myself to hold back tears I'm not going to beg them and loose any dignity asking for forgiveness

His eyes glowed and I squinted my own shut this is what mother always wanted, to take me off the throne and destroy me

I've lost

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face as energy flowed through the both of us

I felt the warmth inside being pulled away like the light pulling of strings being unraveled from the force inside my chest

It got colder and colder and fear finally set in I don't want to die not like this

It only got brighter and brighter when I squinted my eyes open I saw the avatars glowing blue eyes release light like a cracked lantern

I saw only Zuko turning away so he wouldn't have to bare witness

And then finally like a violent final blow my eyes went open so bright as if I stared into the very sun itself the burning inside me got hotter and hotter until in an instant like a candle being blown out by a powerful wind it disappeared

I dropped to the ground and felt a deep numbness I'd never felt before like my heartbeat was slower and less powerful it felt like it wasn't even there and I couldn't hear my own thoughts in my head

I had lost something i looked over my body but I was intact but it felt as if I had lost an arm or an eye

My breath felt shallow  I couldn't even tell I was breathing everything inside me felt empty and hollow

I clutched my chest and I felt much colder

I'm not dead?

Aang laid on the floor looking almost as tired as me

what... no of course not

did.. did you think I was here to kill you

Then what did you do to me I tryed pushing myself up but there was no energy left to hold me from collapseing

My throat still sounded broken and I hated how pathetic I sounded when it squeaked from the smallest words

Zuko kneeled down next to me and tryed to help me up

He took away your bending

I slapped away his hand before he could touch me

You did what

You can't fire bend anymore Azula don't try and agrue about it we've already decided

I tried forcing a flame out but It only tired me not a single spark I had never been so angry in my life and yet no flame was formed

why didn't you just kill me!

Zuko eyes widened then hurt set in he struggled to find words Katara helped Aang up while he loosely held himself together He couldn't even look at me

We're going to give you some space you can return to the mental hospital in a few days once we know the effects are permanent

I swung at Zuko in a last effort I tried kicking and scratching but I was to weak it felt like a heavy wind had blown straight through me and took everything with it

I scooted to the corner of the room to tired to argue and to cold to fight them tears welled up in my eyes and it stung my throat to hold back the crying

Zuko tryed walking farther into the room to help me


it felt like ripping paper in my throat and sounded more like a broken Sobs then the anger filled scream I was trying for

He stepped back and motioned for the rest of his freinds to go with him

I buried my face in my arms and waited until the door shut behind them to cry quietly into my chest

I geuss I fell asleep I don't remember when I just felt cold and empty and for the first time I really didn't see how this was any better then death.

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