Part 22. Karl

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Vive's POV

It's Friday afternoon. I just came home from school and walked another detour around the cut with Luke. We talked about our families. He's one of the few who's not impressed by my name. At first I was a little skeptical about telling him I'm a Shelby, but I knew he would found that out eventually. When I told him Tommy's my brother, he didn't seem impressed, he just nodded and continued about his own family.

I'm used to everyone always being intimidated by the Peaky Blinders and it would always effect their first opinion about me. Luckily, with Luke it's different. When we said our goodbye's, he gave me a long hug this time. That was the first time, normally we just wave at each other. It made me blush and ever since, I'm not thinking about anything else. The feeling of his hair in my neck and the smell of his scent made me feel... I'm afraid to say it out loud, but... in love.

I'm sitting on the kitchen table with my books open, not actual reading but just staring at the pages. Polly's working in the betting shop, Tommy's upstairs working and Ada is in the living room.

As I decide to make myself a cup of tea I suddenly hear a small gasp coming from the living room.

"Fuck" I hear Ada say. I walk up to the room and when I open the door I see Ada standing in front of the couch with her legs apart, staring at the ground.

"What's goin..." Then I already see what's happening. A pool of water lays on the ground, dripping from the side of her legs.

"My water just broke as I stood up..." She says, holding her stomach and still staring at the ground.

I'm stuck to the ground as well, not really knowing what to do next.

"Uhm. Okay. Yes. What can I do?" I stutter back, immediately filling in the answer myself.

"Wait, I'll get you a towel." I run up to the kitchen and get two towels out of the drawers.

"Tommy!" I yell upstairs while walking back to the living room, throwing one towel over the water on the ground and one towel on the couch. "Here, sit on this." I say helping her sitting on the couch while supporting her back.

Then Ada suddenly flinches and hisses in pain. "Fuck, argh..." she brings out, holding on to my underarms squeezing them both. O my God, the baby's coming today. I don't know if I'm excited or in panic, or both.

"TOMMY!" I scream this time a little hysterical, getting nervous from the sight of Ada being in a lot of pain.

"You okay?" I ask her when she's able to breath again. She nods, her eyes still closed as she leans her back in the couch.

"Gosh, that hurts.." She says looking at me with big eyes, apparently shocked about the intensity of her first contraction.

"What is it?" Tommy says annoyed, sticking his head through the door.

"The baby comes." I say. His face expression changes as soon as he let my words sink in.

"What happened? You alright?" Tommy walks up to Ada, bending next to her.

Ada lets out a breath while nodding at him, her eyes closed.

"My water broke. You need to get Polly." Tommy nods and he stands up, ready to get out of the house to get Polly. I immediately shake my head.

"No no no no, you're not leaving me here with her alone." I say turning to my brother grabbing his hand quickly before he gets the chance to move.

"I don't want that, I don't know what to do Tom. I'll go get Polly, you stay with Ada."

He sighs. I know he does not want to be in this situation either, not being good at these things... but he knows he doesn't really have a choice right now. He turns back to Ada while gesturing me to the door

Little Shelby GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora