Part 1. Don't go again

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Vive's POV

It's been 2 months since my brothers returned from France. The family is reunited again after being apart for four years and I finally got my brothers back. I had just turned 7 when they all left to France to fight in the war. I did not know what that really meant at the time or what kind of impact it would have on us and on me.

The night before they left, I went to Tommy's room to see what he was doing. I remember he looked so sad and nervous while packing his stuff and he hardly couldn't look at me. I asked him several times why he had to leave and for how long, but none of my brothers could answer that question. That night, Tommy let me sleep in his bed and he held me tight the entire night while telling me he loved me, us. When I woke up that morning, he was gone already, together with Arthur and John. Aunt Pol cried her eyes out for days and she lit a candle ever since they were gone. 

When my brothers weren't in charge over me and my twin brother Finn anymore, my bloody father insisted that me and Finn moved back to his house. Polly thought it would be good for us, not knowing what she agreed on by that time. I hate thinking back to the two years we had to live with him. When things turned bad, Pol got us out of there as soon she realized what a shithole we were put in. She took us in again and took care of us. Our sister Ada is a bit older, she visits sometimes but does not really like her family... at least that's what I think.

It's 9 a.m and I'm still in bed, observing the ceiling. There's a little crack in the corner and it seems to get larger every week. Downstairs I hear her brothers entering the house. They left real early this morning to uncle Charlie's yard, doing stuff I know nothing about. My brothers do not involve me nor Finn in things that have to do with business. I am too young, so I don't really mind although I have to admit they make me very curious sometimes, especially when someone comes home all bruised up or when they're angry about something that happened. 

"Vive, you up? Come downstairs!" Its Finn. I run downstairs to see him sitting in front of the fireplace with two cigarets in his hand.. smirking like he's up to something.

I laugh, "Finn, we're not supposed to use those yet, we're too young Tommy says". He looks at me with a grin on his face. "Come on don't be boring, we can try it together, they won't even notice".

"You know they just got home right?" I say while bending next to him and taking the cigarette he passes me. I take a hit and immediately burst out in coughing and laughing at the same time. Finn has the same reaction to the smoke. Together we smack each other on the back which makes us laugh even harder.

"Alright, this is bad! I don't know how they do it" Finn says still laughing. "It's probably because they're -"


Finn and I both turn our heads to see Tommy standing in the doorway. He kneels next to us and takes the cigarette from Finn and throws it into the fire. "We're adults, and you are two, naughty little kids. Please don't steel any cigarets from me again oi?" he says while pointing at us with a serious, but also funny look on his face. We both apologize and walk along with him as he enters the living room.

"Kids, how are ya both", it's Arthur, giving me and Finn a playful pat on our heads while being busy searching for his stuff I assume by the way he's moving and lifting and opening things. 

"Arthur, where's John? We have to leave in a few minutes and where's Polly, she should be at the house for them". Tommy says while he gestures to me and Finn.

He's also busy packing stuff. It's a a familiar sight which gives me a feeling of panic instantly.

"You just came back... why do you have to leave?" No response. "Where are you guys going?" I ask again while I follow them with every step they take. 

"John's on his way and Poll I don't know" I hear Arthur answering back. Again I try to get Tommy's attention as I feel ignored.

"You're leaving us again?" I say a bit louder grabbing his arm this time pulling it so he has no other option then to face me.

He finally turns around and frowns."What? No of course not. Why'd you think that?"

I point at his suitcase and don't have to continue for him to understand what I mean. He sighs while putting down his suitcase. He kneels to my height and grabs both of my hands. 

"We're never leaving again as when we did for France. That was different. We are just going to Charlie's family because I want to buy a horse from the Lee's family. I need Arthur and John to go with me, going there by myself is not a good idea you know. Don't worry, we'll be back tomorrow evening and in the meantime you stay here with Finn and Polly."

He gestures at Finn wanting him to come. "Finn, did you hear what I just said to Vive? Don't ever worry that we're leaving you for a long time again alright? War's over." Finn nods, not really bothered by the whole situation.

Tommy looks me in the eyes and gives me a small smile. I hug him and that's also my answer to his explanation. Little did he know why I am so scared for him to leave me again. Knowing they're not in the same place as I am makes me so nervous and anxious. I walk up to my room and come across John who's on his way to Arthur and Tommy.

"Ey, you okay?" he says turning around to me. "Course", I hug him goodbye and continue my walk upstairs.

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