Part 21. Better times

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Vive's POV

It's been a few weeks since Arthurs suicide attempt. In the meanwhile it has been very, quiet for the Shelby household standards. Arthur decided to get some proper help and therefore he left to London for two months where he gets some intensive therapy. He'll be back home next week aunt Polly told me. I really hope this is going to help him and he'll return back healthy.

Ada's still staying at the house and I have to say, it goes better than I expected in the first place. The first two weeks were a little awkward between her and Tommy and when John visited, it was awkward between them too. After a while I noticed they started to talk more and they even laughed with each other.

Couldn't remember the last time I had seen that.

Between me and Ada is goes better as well. She learned me how to sew and together we made some blankets and clothes for the new baby, who can arrive any moment. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I catch her crying in bed or in the kitchen, then I feel bad but for some reason I never go to her. I think it's because of Freddy who still hasn't sent any messages to her ever since he left. Tommy's still figuring out for Ada where Freddy exactly is at the moment and what the reason of his absence is. I know my brothers fear the worst but don't say it out loud.

Right now, I'm in class. School has begun again for me and I have to say that it's quite nice not being at the house all the time anymore. A month ago my teachers had a talk with aunt Polly and they advised her to let me skip the current school year and put me a year higher. Despite the many classes I missed due to family problems and the home schooling, I apparently do better than the average. At first I didn't want to go to a higher class but according to Polly and Tommy, it wasn't a matter of discussion. They thought it would do me good to be in a new class with new people and more challenging work. Also, I might be 13, but I can't level with my peers which made me a complete outsider in the class. I didn't really care, but it's nice being around people who are just a little older.

My new classmates are way nicer than my old ones. I cross about a year and a half with the rest, but you would't tell. I have made some new friends and there's one boy in particular who has my interest. His name is Luke, he's 16, oldest of my class and extremely handsome. We hang out during the breaks and when we go home, we mostly take a detour on purpose. Luckily, his house is not far from ours. I think he's hilarious and so witty, it makes school so much more fun to go to.

"This is the homework, the deadline is next week. You are now dismissed." Mrs. Grunts ends her lesson with. We all close our books and pack our bags.

"Any plans for this afternoon?" Luke asks me while putting on his coat and coming over to my table.

"I'm going to my uncle's stables." I say. It became a routine to help him every Wednesday. Cleaning the stables, feeding the horses and most of all spending quality time with my uncle. I really like being at his yard.

"Hm, so no detour today?" He asks, giving me a fake sad look.

I chuckle "My brother's waiting outside for me so not today, sorry."

"Alright, see you tomorrow then." He says turning around, sweeping his bag on his back and waving with one hand in the air while leaving the classroom.

Once outside I already see Tommy sitting in his car, waiting on the side of the road. Today he's picking me up because he has to go to Charlie too for business.

I greet him as I sit down next to him.

"How'd you day go?" He asks while lighting his cigarette.

"Very good actually, got an A for my presentation today." I say giving myself a pat on the back as a joke. Tommy chuckles while raising his eyebrows.

"Since when did you became so smart oi?" I laugh and shrug, not really hiding that I'm proud of myself.

When we arrive at the yard I give Charlie a hug and immediately go to the stables. Him and Tommy make their way to the other side. I don't know what they have to discuss but don't want to know either. Lately, I feel Tommy's busy again with things... things that apparently cause him stress because I noticed he's very restless these days. Normally, I want to know exactly what's going on but I decided to just let it go for once and focus on myself and trust Tommy in the things he does.

"Hey beautiful." I say while petting my favorite horse. She's dark brown and very, very pretty. I comb her mane and clean her hooves. Tommy bought me this horse not long ago and I called her Claire. Time always flies when I'm here. After two hours I walk up to my uncle and Tommy. Normally, Charlie helps me but today, his attention goes to my brother. "Finished." I say while putting the cleaning bucket in the corner.

"You're a good help Vive. How's your horse doing?" He asks.

"She's fine. Do you think she can go the races one day?" I ask turning to Tommy.

"Maybe. Can't tell yet, but we'll see."

"Shall we go?" I say while putting on my coat and washing my hands under the sink.

Tommy nods and together we make our way to the car.

"Have you found Freddy already?" I ask him while he starts the car.

At first he doesn't respond. Making me wonder if he ignores the question or just didn't hear me. Then he turns his face to mine. "Sort of" he says.

"Sort of?"

He sighs. "I think I know where he is, but I'm not sure. I think he's in a jail in London, one of my men has heard the coppers picked him up. Don't know why."

I frown, surprised by his answer.

"You gonna tell Ada?"

He shakes his head. "Not until I know it for a fact, so you shut about it as well."

"Well, you know how great I am with secrets." I say sarcastically. Tommy gives me a serious look.

"I'm joking, I don't say a word, but... if he's in jail, you think you can get him out?" I ask.

"Don't know, depends on why he's there." Tommy responds, his eyes locked on the road.

I really hope Freddy can be here in time for Ada but I know we don't have to count on that.

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