2.Down To Earth

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Please enjoy this awful filler chapter that turned out terrible.

Also- There's gonna be, like, one more time skip before it goes to the present. Sorry if that was confusing!!

Word Count: 1669

Title from "Infinity" -One Direction


*4 Years Later*

"Li, are you sure you're gonna be alright?" Rosa asked for what must be the 50th time this morning. Liam nodded, taking another bite of cereal.

"I'll be fine." He promised. She smiled.

"I know you will be, dear. I'm just worried. I mean, I haven't left you alone since you first came here!"

It was true. He hadn't left the house since he'd come to live with Rosa. Not even to go to school. He'd done online. He had no friends, and barley even remembered what the outside world was like.

"I'll be fine!" He assured for the 100th time. 

Rosa gave him a pat on the shoulder, before grabbing her purse and heading out the garage. 

"Be safe!" She called as the door swung shut behind her.

He waited until he heard the garage door closing before he was off.

Liam burst into his bedroom, grabbing a backpack he'd found and shoving as many belongings as would fit inside of it.

It was finally time for him to escape.

Yes, he really did like Rosa. But he was sick of being cooped up inside. He wanted to go explore the outside!

He wanted to find his brothers.

Despite Heidi and Officer Woodbury's promises, the brothers hadn't gotten together. They weren't even given each other's phone numbers. Any time Liam had tried to bring up his baby brothers, Rosa would change the subject, insisting that he leave his past behind him.

Liam grabbed his phone, backpack slung over his shoulder. He grabbed the envelope he'd sealed the night before, leaving it on the table. Inside was a note:

Dear Rosa, it read.

Thank you for 4 wonderful years. You truly are an amazing women. Thank you for all you've done for me.

But it was time for me to leave. I'm 14 years old now. I shouldn't be stuck inside anymore. I want to be able to live my life like a normal kid! And I want to be able to find Louis and Niall.

I know, you always told me to leave my past behind me. But they're my brothers. My f*cking brothers. And if you think I'm going to go the rest of my life without seeing them again, you're wrong.

So anyways. Thank you. And goodbye.


Liam Payne

 He placed the envelope on the table, before walking the final few steps to the front door. 

This was it.

He grabbed the cool metal handle, taking a deep breath, before slowly opening the door.

He was met with a burst of light. Stepping outside, he was immediately shivering, despite his hoodie. There was a light layer of snow on the ground. Most kids would be at school this time of day, but there were a few younger kids outside. 

Now, Liam knew it wouldn't be easy to find his brothers. But he knew the right place to start. 


Infinity- One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now