15. Just Don't Ask Me What It Was

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imma just apologize real quick- this chapter was meant to be longer and i was hoping to have it out sooner but i've been sick, so i just wanted to give you what i have :)

Word Count: 3030

Warnings: mentions of injuries (not graphic), mentions of threats (also not graphic)

Chapter title from "Luka"- Suzanne Vega


The ambulance arrived shortly after Liam called. Two EMTs, one of which introduced them as Demille and Isa, gently lifted Louis onto a gurney. They ran the gurney towards the waiting ambulance, Liam following closely behind. 

Another EMT, who Isa called Jamison, was waiting inside the ambulance. He helped them place the gurney inside, and Demille immediately began rattling off a list of noticed injured and observations. Demille and Jamison quickly went to work, bending over Louis, while Isa began fiddling with machines. As she did so, she addressed Liam.

"You said Louis's your brother, sweetheart?" She asked in a kind tone. Liam nodded. "Do you know what happened?"

"Not really," Liam admitted. "I know that he was supposed to go straight home after school, but about half an hour after he would've been home, he wasn't. I found him back there like this. I know it was his bullies, though. They've burnt him before, and no one else would hurt him like this."

Well, that wasn't entirely true. But what Isa didn't know won't hurt her.

Isa smiled at him gently. "Alright, thank you, dear."

No one addressed him the rest of the ride. Isa, Jamison, and Demille talked between themselves, though most of it was medical garble that Liam couldn't understand.

Liam sat in silence, gripping Louis's hand like a lifeline, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth over his knuckles.

They arrived at the hospital in a flash, the EMT's immediately unloading the stretcher and running it towards the entrance, Liam at their heels.

"You'll have to wait in the waiting room, sweetie." Isa called to Liam. "The receptionist will update you as often as she can, and someone will let you know when you can see him."

A group of nurses was waiting at the front entrance. The moment they reached them, they grabbed the stretcher, guiding it down a hallway. As they disappeared behind large metal doors, Liam could hear Isa and Demille listing injuries and measurements. As the doors swung shut behind them, Liam collapsed into a chair, tears burning the corner of his eyes. He whipped out his phone, texting Niall.

At the Emergency Room, they rushed him back. I'm waiting in the waiting area, I'll have someone pick you up and bring you here

k, was the only response he got from Niall. Opening up his contacts, he called the one available person he trusted to know about this. They answered on the second ring.


"Hey, Hadley. I have a favor to ask you, is that okay?" 

"Of course!" Assured Hadley. "Are you okay, Liam? You sound like you've been crying."

Liam sniffed. "Well, that kinda has to do with what I need to ask you. Uhm, my younger brother Louis, you know him?"

"Not as well as you," Hadley explained. "But yeah, I know who he is!"

"Uhm, well, he's been getting bullied, and today after school I found him by the fence, behind the dumpsters. He was hurt, really bad."

Hadley gasped. "That's awful!! I'm so, so sorry, Liam. What can I do to help?"

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