8. It's Good In The Dark

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Andddd, we're back! This chapter was tricky to figure out, one of those moments where you have the story outlined but also not really. Feedback is always appreciated, hope you enjoy! The aftermath of Harry's visit awaits. ;)

Word Count: 4612

Warning: abuse

Title from "I Can Change"- LCD Soundsystem


Oscar slammed the door shut as soon as Liam and Harry exchanged goodbyes. "Who the hell was that?" He spat. "You know you need to get permission to bring someone over!"

"That was Harry!" Liam explained. "I didn't invite him over, I swear, he just came over here!"

Robbie tightened his hold on the teenagers arm, making the seventeen year old wince in pain. "Sure. Why don't we take this over with John, see what he thinks of it."

Robbie began pulling Liam toward the kitchen.

"Li?" A voice called from the top of the stairs. "Is everything okay down there?"

Shit. Niall. Liam looked at the staircase, eyes wide with panic. He could not get his brothers dragged into this, not right now.

After they'd finally settled the debate he and Lou had been having, Liam had brought them downstairs. They technically weren't supposed to eat without permission, but they'd gotten good at this, and were able to take just enough food from the right places that the Wittings wouldn't notice. It had been nice, actually, the three of them talking and laughing, with some food in their stomachs. 

They'd hurried back up to their room when the garage could be heard opening, a sign that the Wittings were home. The Witting men had actually been in a good mood, their meeting at the bank having gone well. They didn't even yell at them, just handed over the cleaning supplies and told them to clean the upstairs, excluding their room. Liam had just began sweeping the hallway when the doorbell rang, and moments later Robbie had appeared, telling him he had a guest.

Liam loved Harry, he really did, but he didn't understand why he had to come over here. He'd gone outside, and tried to be patient with his friend, but now he would pay for it. He couldn't drag Niall and Louis into it, especially when those two idiots would most likely come down and try to get the Wittings to leave him alone, even though that never worked.

You'd think they would've learned by now.

"Everything's fine, Ni!" Liam called back hurriedly. "You and Lou stay up there!"

"Why?" Niall called, worried. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Ni!"

"Stay up there, you little brat, or I'll break your fucking spine!" Oscar growled angrily. Liam's eyes widened in fear, praying his brothers stayed upstairs.

There was no further reply. Liam let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in, relieved for his brothers safety. His relief was short lived, however, when he saw the look of anger on John's face.

"So," John stated calmly, pacing across the room. "You think you can just invite whoever the hell you want over to my house?"

"No!" Liam panicked. "No, no, it's not like that-"

"Then why was that fucking cunt knocking on our door?!?" John screamed.

"Don't talk about Harry like that!" Liam yelled angrily. John smiled maliciously.

"Oh, please. I know all about your friend Harry. Desmond Styles son, isn't that right? Desmond, he's very successful in his line of work. A brilliant businessman, no doubt. Heard his company's been having a bit of trouble lately. Maybe he'd be able to handle it better without his bastard of a son always getting in his way-"

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