17. I Will Fight Your Fight

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Warning: nothing in this chapter, surprise, surprise

Word Count: 1810

Title from "I Won't Let Go" - Rascal Flatts


In the hours between being contacted by Liam and finishing their dinner of chicken nuggets, Harry had been subject to a vast variety of emotions. However, some sort of sadness, anger, guilt or worry was consistent in him every second. 

Sadness, that his closest friend was being abused alongside his younger brothers, and no one had even batted an eye.

Anger, that John Witting would do such awful things to the children who were in his care.

Guilt, that he had never noticed, never done anything to help.

Worry, for the three boys in front of him, who had undoubtedly been through hell and back and felt they were in no position to receive any help. Though to be fair, their abuser was the chief of police, making it far more difficult for the boys to report any abuse.

Though Harry had a plan. 

With his father's business specializing in security, Harry had no problem in accessing some some small security cameras. After all, they had boxes of cameras and microphones and locks and wires and whatever the hell the company had extra of after upgrading to better equipment.

Harry knew how to setup the camera, how to save the footage, the whole works. He just needed a place to hide it, and a time to place it there.

He figured it would be easiest if the boys were all asleep. Liam had already told him he could spend the night, knowing how empty Harry's house often was. He just needed all the boys to fall asleep before springing into action.

Not that that would be hard. After the eventful, no doubt traumatic day the boys had, exhaustion was evident upon their faces. Niall had been struggling to keep his eyes open during dinner. And now that they were all lounging in the living room, Harry was sure the boys would be out like a light.


"Online schools not too bad," Niall answered. Harry had been asking him questions all afternoon, excited to get to know him. "It's pretty lonely, though. I'd like to just go to school, but John says that trying to get around with my crutch would be too much of a struggle, especially with all the stairs and stuff"

"Really?" Harry questioned kindly. Per Liam's request, he was still acting as though he had no idea how much of an asshole John was. "He must not know that we have elevators at school."

This seemed to perplex Niall. "Really? What for?"

"Well, for students in situations like yours," Harry gestured to Niall. "If a student has a disability, or an injury, or something that would make it more difficult to get around, then the office will give them an elevator pass. Then, you would be able to use the elevator to get to wherever you're going."

The 14-year old seemed truly in awe. As if he had no idea such aid was even possible. As if he really believed that John didn't send him to school because he would have a hard time getting around, when in reality, the man was probably didn't want to spend any more money then he had to.

"Do you enjoy school, Harry?" Niall chirped, stifling a yawn. Harry saw Liam smile softly at his sleepy younger brother.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, all the homework and tests can suck, but overall I enjoy it."

Niall nodded, interested, as he fought back another yawn. Liam snickered softly.

"Tired, Ni?"

Niall nodded blearily. "I don't wanna go upstairs though." He leaned closer to Louis as he said this. It was painfully clear to Harry that the boy was desperate to stay close to his brothers. Louis ruffled the blonde's hair gently.

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