6. Being Alone Together

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Liam- 17

Louis- 16

Niall- 14

WARNING: abuse

Title from "Being Alone Together" -David & David

Word Count: 2318


"And then, that's when we got asked to leave the movies." Louis said. 

"Dude." Zayn shook his head in disbelief. "What a bitch!"

The four boys were walking home from school. A cool September breeze was blowing, causing the boys to hug their jackets tighter around themselves, and walk just a bit faster.

Harry frowned at Zayn, tip of his nose red from the chilly wind. "I mean, she was just doing her job." He pointed out. 

Zayn shrugged. "Shouldn't have kicked him out."

"I mean, it is kinda rude to yell diving scores for the people jumping off the Titanic."

Zayn chuckled. "Did you get in trouble? My parents would've beat my ass."

Liam glanced at Louis, who shrugged. "Not in too much trouble, no." The brothers shared a look. No matter what Louis said, Liam knew that underneath his oversized hoodie, Louis was still bruised and hurting from John's anger.

Zayn shrugged, before showing Louis something on his phone. The younger boys started laughing, scrolling through Zayn's phone.

"Those two." Liam said with a chuckle. "They're something else."

Harry nodded. "Yeah. Worry for 'em sometimes."

Liam glanced at Harry, eyes shining. "Well, yeah, but that's all you can do with little brothers, isn't it?"

Harry shrugged. "Wouldn't know."

Liam watched as his friend sadly kicked at the pebbles sitting in front of him. Harry didn't have any siblings. His parents were divorced, and he was currently living with his father, who cared more about his business then his son. 

But he couldn't always be there for Harry. Not when he had two younger brothers to take care of. It got hard sometimes, knowing his best friend was so alone, and there wasn't anything he could do, not when Louis was dealing with all the damn bullies, not when he had to protect Niall from the Wittings, who thought it was hilarious to pick on the "dumb crip". Not when he had to protect the both of them from their "father". No, Liam had his hands full. 

"Hey, do y'think you could come over or something this weekend?" Harry asked. 

Louis stopped talking, eyes flicking over to Liam with a warning gaze. Liam sighed. "I-I dunno, Harry. I'll talk to my parents. They're just-"

Infinity- One Direction FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora