Chapter 2 - A Frozen Pond

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America POV (Abusive Britain warning)

Rolling over, I awoke with a start. My warm pillow was no longer there and my blanket had slipped to the floor.

Groaning, I sat up and rolled out my neck. Damn, I got to remember not to sleep like that, again. Then, I stood, straightening the couch's smushed pillows. Grabbing my blanket from the floor, I folded it as neatly as I could and set it on the edge of the couch.

Walking, I stumbled to Russia's office. I yawned and rubbed sleep from my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked.

Russia gathered a couple sheets before turning to me. "Nine in ze morrning. You fell asleep last night. I finished the rrest of ourr assignment."

My heart stopped beating. I felt all the color drain from my face as fear settled heavily in my stomach. "I have to go." 

Russia paused, taking note in my behavior change. "Is somezing wrrong?"

Putting on my normal mask, I gave him one of my famous grins. "Nothing. I'll see you later, Ruski."

Without waiting for a goodbye, I tugged on my coat and shoes and hauled my ass home.

(Abusive Warning starts here)

Pulling into the drive, the hope died in my chest when I saw France's and Canada's cars were already gone. I was dead meat.

As quietly as I could, I raced up the steps, unlocked the door, and closed it.

Britain's voice was disarming as I stripped out of my coat. "Where have you been?" He asked.

I don't make eye contact as I go and sit on the sofa. "At a friend's. We had to work overtime." I don't lie; Dad could smell out a lie a hundred times faster than a truth he didn't like.

"Your curfew is 11 o'clock, correct?" Britain said, pacing around me.


"And you weren't home."


Dad backhanded me across the face. "That wasn't a bloody question, fucker." I touched my bleeding lip as he continued to pace. That was going to bruise.

"Whose house were you at?"

Fearing for my life, I panicked. "Germany's."

Dad cracked me hard in the back of my head with his cane. "Liar."


He swung at my ribs, connecting painfully. "Liar."

Tears balanced on my lashes behind my sunglasses, threatening to fall. "Russia's." My voice cracked as I answered.

Dad grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the floor, my head snapping backward as it bounced harshly against the hard wood. "WHAT where you doing with that COMMIE?"

Curling up, I covered my face. "W-we had an assignment together." The moment I stuttered, I cursed internally. His foot buried itself in my gut, dragging a silent whimper out of me.

"Fucking that bastard isn't WORKING, slut! You're such a bloody mistake!" Dad said as his foot glanced off my shoulder, the heat of the impact swallowing my arm. "Why can't you be more like Canada??" Britain growled as he took a shot at my thigh. Pain spread up my hip like fire, causing me to grit my teeth.

I whimpered again, immediately regretting my mistake. This time, Britain landed three kicks in my back, each harder than the first. "You weak- little- c-nt!!"

I wanted to cry out, to beg him to stop, but all that would earn me would be a kick in the teeth. And broken teeth don't heal.

Dad swung at my abdomen with his cane, smacking me so hard that the wood split down the middle. Agony burned where he had hit me and I hugged my ribs tighter.

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