Chapter 1 - Assignments

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WARNING: Colorful language, angst, abuse, self-harm, fluff, smut

This is my first book, so please please don't hate me for this owo

Russia POV

Okay, get in and get out. That's all there is to it, I thought to myself as I strode quickly into the World Congregation Center. AKA, work.

I frowned at a group of countries as they laughed boisterously in the settee. This building is a place of work, not socialization! My mind buzzed irritably. Continuing on, I rushed to the Assignment Dock, quickly signing off on papers and handing in finished documents for the Norm Manager to file.

A breeze swept around me as UN came to stand at my side. "I hope you don't mind, I partnered you with another country for one of your assignments. It's a hefty piece; I thought you could use the help," he grinned, tapping one of the manila folders in my hand.

Seriously? I can handle my own assignments, thank you, I thought harshly, flipping through the folder. "And zey arre?" I asked, only half-listening as I scanned over the papers.


I nearly dropped my paperwork. "Vhat? Him? Vhy, of all countrrries him??"

UN waved America over from the settee across the room. "Be respectful, Russia. He is a hard worker, and I believe you two will get along swimmingly."

"Zat is if I don't kill him firrrst," I growled, glaring at the stupid American as he approached.

"Wassap, Nations?" He turned to me. "Uhh.. Why does Russia look like he wanted to tear my head off?" America chuckled nervously.

Without answering him, I passed him by, gruffly slapping the assignment folder against America's chest. UN has no right to pair me up with that capitalist pig! I growled as I walked out of the building. Before the doors shut, I heard America exclaim loudly behind me, letting me know his similar opinion on the matter.


Ukraine's light footsteps fluttered down the stairs as I took dishes to the sink.

(I used Google Translate for the this part, so please don't bash me T-T)

"И куда вы так торопитесь? (And where are you off to in such a hurry?)" I asked when she slipped on her shoes and coat.

"Я еду в Беларусь на двойное свидание, (I'm meeting Belarus for a double-date)" she snipped curtly as she tugged on her jacket and adjusted her flower crown.

I broke out in a laugh, earning a glare from Ukraine. "Вы? Идти на свидание? Но как ты вообще его получил? Ты слишком злой! (You? Go out on a date? But how did you even get one? You are too mean!)" I asked, playfully shooting a grin back at her.

"Ха-ха, Россия. Я могу не выглядеть так, но время от времени я могу быть милым. (Ha ha, Russia. I may not look like it, but I can be nice from time to time)"

I chuckled. "Тогда почему ты никогда не тренировалась на мне, сестра? (Why haven't you ever practiced on me then, sister?)"

She rolled her eyes and pulled the door shut behind her, leaving me alone in the house. Father only visited on occasion, so most of the time it was just us three. I was used to being alone though; Ukraine and Belarus would often spend nights at friend's houses, or go off to visit Father.

A knock at the door disturbed my quiet peace.

Who the hell was that?

Going to the door, I opened it to my uninvited guest.

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