Sick Deku

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Izuku's POV

ahhh! Why is it raining so hard! It's so cooollllddd T w T! I should've listened to Uraraka-san and brought an umbrella! Great, now I'm all soaked! There's still, like, 10 minutes till I reach the dorms even if I run really fast!
Great, now my knees hurt, I'm covered in mud AND I'm still soaked!

ahhh! Why is it raining so hard! It's so cooollllddd T w T! I should've listened to Uraraka-san and brought an umbrella! Great, now I'm all soaked! There's still, like, 10 minutes till I reach the dorms even if I run really fast! "Ack!"Owww! Great...

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*he wants to cry like this but obviously he's not in uniform*
C'mon Deku! Be a hero and resist the urge to cry!

I'm soo tired! I just want to be in the comfort of my room and sleep! Dry and warm that is. I think I overdid training today because man, my muscles are sore, and yet I'm still running as fast as the rain will let me. I stop and pant for air but only for a minute or two because I don't want to get more wet. I'm so colllddddd.

Bakugou POV:


Me and the annoying extras (the bakusquad, some of the Dekusquad) are still in the living lounge whilst the rest have gone up to their dorms. The stupid idiots wanted some sort of dumb movie night even though we have school at f*cking 8:30. I don't care at all, I'm just staying up because I'm not going to be a loser and NOT be the last one to be up.

Tch, why's that nerd still not here!? His dumb friends don't want to start without knowing where the pathetic nerd is. How stupid! It's not like anyone should care about him and his stupidly fluffy- stupidly scruffy garbage-coloured hair!

We wait for around 7 minutes until the main door unlocks and a panting, soaked to the flesh, Deku comes in.
"Midobro! Are you alright?!"
"Deku-kun you must be cold!"
"Midoriya, it is unwise to go outside and train for so long in the rain without the proper attire!"
"He probably didn't know it was going to rain, iida-kun, kero"
"Right, apologies for not thinking of that-"
"SHUT THE F*CK UP EXTRAS, YOU DAMN NERD, JUST HURRY UP AND CHANGE" I shout, extremely irritated at all the chatter.
"Right Kacchan! Thanks for the concern everyone, I'll be fine! Just a little cold and wet but I'll be fine! Enjoy whatever it is you guys seem to be doing, although it looks like a movie night-"
How the f*ck is he so observant!? Well, certainly some agree with me cuz surprise is written all over their dumb face.
The dumb nerd unintentionally yawns, says good night to everyone and leaves to his room, obviously trying not to leave a trail of water behind me.
"Night Deku-kun!"
"Yes, please get the appropriate amount of rest!"
"Night dude!"
He flashes his signature smile although he honestly looks too exhausted to even do it properly. Overworking himself again, dumb nerd. I swear I'm gonna have to dig his grave one day because of him overworking himself too much!

 I swear I'm gonna have to dig his grave one day because of him overworking himself too much!

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Deku POV:

I retreat upstairs to my dorm, take a quick hot shower, get dressed in warm PJs and collapse onto my bed. Usually I listen to Present Mic's radio every night no matter how tired I am, but today I'm afraid I'll fall asleep before he even says a word. But do I follow my exhausted body? Nope, I plan to listen to it anyways.

For some reason, even though I'm in some comfy and dry PJs, I still feel kind of cold and is shivering slightly, but at the same time really warm. I suspect it's the tiredness playing tricks on me but nevertheless I put on an extra blanket, and put on my earbuds, listening to Present Mic's radio, before sleep consumes me and I lose consciousness; PM's voice drifting into the background.

The next morning

iida's POV:

I notice Midoriya, who is usually one of the earlier ones to wake up, hasn't come down yet although school starts in about 20 mins. We like to head to school at least 10 mins early so I'm rather concerned that he hasn't gone down yet. It seems I'm not the only one to notice this because Uraraka, Tsuyu and surprisingly, Bakugou seems rather worried.

Bakugou's POV:

I don't know why I care. But I'm NOT a loser so I'll admit it. The nerd hasn't come down yet and obviously his friends have 'freaked out' all over their faces. And I'm kinda concerned. The nerd has never skipped a day of school since primary, when we were 8, and that was because auntie Inko had to go to the hospital because she accidentally choked on something. Every appointment that I know of, he's changed it to a holiday or weekend. One time Auntie's car broke down and they were 30-35 minutes away from the Junior High and he seriously ran to school.

His friends are obviously too cowardly to go and check up on him so I storm towards the elevator.

"Hey bakubro, where you going?"
"To see if the damn nerd has died yet"
"Wow, that's a cold way to put it"
"Awww Bakugou has a soft spot for Midoriya~" pinky teases. I'm not a loser so I'm not going to be embarrassed by something so absurd. I do, though, get angered.
"Haha, we know you like him, go check on your one and only~"

I decide to drop it and just check on the nerd because he STILL hasn't come down, ignoring the playful snickering behind me.

I press the button to his floor, and open his dorm room- locked.
"Oi, nerd, open up"
Something at the bottom of my stomach does backflips and bounces around. I hate it. Is it... concern?
It's still silent so I put my head against the door and try to listen to something.
It's very faint, barely louder than a whisper and is followed by a whimper of pain but I heard it alright.

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