Guess who's coming to dinner?

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The one thing about younger siblings is that they're nosier than your own parents. Prime example: Ben and Lia. A few moments ago, I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, when all of a sudden I felt two bodies jump on me.

"Scott! Scott! Wake up! Wake up!" Ben yells.

"What happened with your girlfriend, Maya??!!" Lia seconds.

I slowly opened up my eyes to see my little brother and sister, looking down at me with their eyes so bright you would think it was Christmas.

"Why do you two want to know so bad, huh?" I say starting to tickle the both of them. Their laughs fill my room and must wake up my parents since they also head into my room. Great, a family affair.

"Did y'all wake up Scott? Has he already told you two? I told you to wait for us!" My mom says gleefully and walks over to my bed to join in on the tickling. I pause my tickling.

"Wait, what? Why does everyone want to know what happened last night?" I say, sitting up.

"Well, we just want to make sure that you had a good time with Maya. I mean, it's not like you go out very much, especially with a girl," My dad joins in.

I could not believe my dad just roasted me like that. Even though it's true. But, Maya is different. I like Maya more than I've liked any girl before. The last time I had a genuine crush on a girl was so long ago, and at the time, I didn't even really know the true definition of a crush.

"Since everyone wants to know what happened, yes, I had a great time last night and I really like her," I said quietly towards the end.

My family coos and awes after my long awaited confession. My mom hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. "You know what that means sweetie? You need to invite her and her mom over for dinner!"

"Why?" I question.

"Because whoever is important to our son is important to us, it's time she met the entire Miller family," My dad agrees.

"I really don't think that's necessary. I mean, I'm sure they're already doing something and her mom is super busy, so," I say, trying to dodge myself out of this. It's not that I didn't want Maya to come, it's just I didn't want to overwhelm her by meeting my family.

"Nonsense. I'm sure Arlette wouldn't mind, call her and see," My mom says gesturing towards my phone.

"You want me to call her? Right now? It's 9 in the morning, we had a late night last night so she's probably still sleeping."

"I'm sure she's up. Her mom is probably doing the same thing we're doing right now," My dad peaks up.

I look towards my phone and back at my family. My mom, dad, Ben, and Lia were looking at me with expectant eyes. I sigh.

"Okay, I'll call her. But if she doesn't pick up the first time, I'm not going to call her again." My family nods happily.

I pick up my phone and look back at my family who was still sitting here, looking at me. "Can I call her or are you guys just going to sit here?"

"Oh oh right!" My family gathers up and walks out the door. I dial Maya's number hoping that she'll answer for my family's sake and a little bit of my sake. She picks up on the third ring.

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