Hi, Hello, Hey

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"Wait so you're telling me that the new guy is Scott Miller, he's really hot, and he's your neighbor?" Ariana said thinking out loud

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"Wait so you're telling me that the new guy is Scott Miller, he's really hot, and he's your neighbor?" Ariana said thinking out loud

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Maya replies back.

"Well that makes things a lot more interesting."

"How so?"

"You and Scott become really good friends, then being friends changes into friends with benefits, and then you get married have two kids and a Golden Retriever," Ariana concluded.

"Well, thank you so much for already planning my future," Maya said sarcastically now walking to her first class.

"You're welcome, now I have to go die in Trig," the good friends walked towards their classes, Ariana walking to her death and Maya walking to her favorite class, English.

"Good Morning Mrs. Lewis," Maya greets her teacher, who she was on great terms with. Mrs. Lewis loved Maya and even though teachers aren't supposed to show favoritism, she couldn't help it with Maya. She was the perfect student in teachers eyes, she was smart and made good grades, respectful, and polite.

"Good Morning Maya," Mrs. Lewis responded back with a smile.

Maya took her usual seat in the back next to the window. Students started to fill up the small classroom still whispering about the new guy. The bell rang and Mrs. Lewis went to the front of the classroom.

"Alright Good Morning everyone. I hope you had a nice weekend and did your homework. Also, we are starting a new book today," the class groaned. "I know, I know it's torture but the book is To Kill a Mocking-"

Mrs. Lewis was suddenly cut off by someone opening the door. The rumored new guy, Scott Miller, walked through the door.

"Hi, sorry, this is Mrs. Lewis English class, right?" Miller questioned his deep voice quiet and almost shy.

"Yes, it is. You must be the new student." Mrs. Lewis said curiously.

"Yeah I am, my name is Scott Miller," he said walking into the classroom and holding his hand out for Lewis to shake.

"Nice to meet you Scott. Well you can take a seat, let's see," Mrs. Lewis starts searching the classroom for an empty chair. There happened to be a seat open next to Maya. "Oh perfect you could sit next to Maya Johnson right there in the back, next to the window."

Scott's warm hazel eyes followed Mrs. Lewis words and found Maya, his new neighbor. She was looking down at her desk, her brown curls falling from her bun, avoiding his gaze.

Scott walked towards his awkward-but-nice neighbor and sat down in his seat next to her. Maya was aware that Scott was next to her, but she was also aware of the stares and whispers thrown at her as well. This was weird for her and everyone in school. As far as Maya knew she was invisible to the student body, and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Alright everyone, so we are going to be reading and annotating To Kill A Mockingbird then you will be doing a project or write an essay on how this book is significant now, character development, and the theme and purpose of this novel. You could choose to work with a partner or work by yourself. This project is due exactly a month away so get started," Mrs. Lewis says starting to pass out copies of the book to her students.

Maya waited patiently for her copy of To Kill the Mockingbird. She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hi," Scott said with a cheesy grin, his dimples showing.

"Hello," Maya replies back shyly.

"Did you want to be partners?"

Maya's plan was to just work by herself, like she always did with projects. She always got good grades on them, and she didn't need anyone else's help.

"I'm sorry, I was just going to work by myself." Maya said hesitantly.

Scott's face didn't change. "Oh alright that's fine," he said with the same cheeky smile.

Mrs. Lewis gave Maya and Scott a copy of the book. And both of them immediately started reading.

Soon, the bell had rung and Maya gathered her stuff and was ready to bolt through the door. However, before she left she saw Scott looking at his schedule curiously.

I should help him.

"Hey," Maya said capturing the Scott's attention. "I could walk you to your next class, if you want."

"That'll be great," Scott laughs. "Thank you." He says with a gentle smile.

They both gather their stuff and headed to their classes. Scott has Biology next and Maya had US History, her next favorite subject.

Johnson and Miller walked down the halls in an awkward silence.

Scott cleared his throat. "So, have you lived in Virginia your whole life?"

"Yeah, born and raised," Maya said quickly. She thought of something to keep the conversation going. "Where did you move from?"

"New York. Brooklyn, actually," Scott answered glancing at her, while rubbing the back of his neck.

Maya had thought she heard some kind of accent.

"Cool, I've always wanted to go to New York. Why did you leave there to come here?" Maya asked.

"Less traffic," Scott said seriously.

For a few moments, Maya thought he was serious. Until he started laughing. His laugh was so contagious, Maya couldn't help but start laughing too.

"No, but really my mom got a job here."

"Where is she going to be working?"

"Maggiano's as head chef."

"That's amazing! My mom and I go there all the time." Maya says gushing. Scott's face brightens at seeing her smile.

Maya looked forward and noticed she had made it to Scott's class.

"Here's your class," she says sadly that she couldn't keep talking to him.

"Thank you so much Maya," Scott says with a small smile, also upset that he couldn't keep talking to her.

Miller took a few steps towards the classroom, then Johnson thought about earlier.

"Wait, Scott?" Maya says walking up to him.

"Yeah?" He looked down at Maya.

"You could...uh," Maya got tongue twisted at looking directly in Scott's intense gaze. "Come to my house after school, for the project."

Scott smiles broadly. "Sounds good."

Maya started to walk backwards still captivated by his gaze and waves goodbye.

Scott waves back still smiling.

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