Chapter 25

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Detective Jordan

We spoke to the twins a bit more and then I went to have my stomach checked out. My wound was ripped open and they had to stitch it closed again, I was warned if I pull it open again I will have to have surgery next time.

The rest of the day and the next day we bought clothes and rented an alright hotel room, no, plural, rooms. Grant tried to speak to me about the whole Elizabeth ordeal but I shot him down very quickly and at every single turn he tried to take down that road which involves my feelings towards the case.

I got to have good hot long showers, but then needed to change my dressings, but it was sooo worth it. Two nights of rest was everything I needed to feel recharged, even if my rest was not for long and oddly enough I was longing for Elizabeth's company.

Another shower and dressing change in the morning, and I was ready to take on the world again.

I step out my room and head to Grant's room next to mine. I knock on the door but don't get any response. "Hey Grant? You up?" I ask loudly through the door but there's no answer. I try to stop the panic that is rapidly filling my body. I bang on the door. "Grant?" I swallow hard and try to hear for any noise. "Travis!?" Fear overtakes me and I try the doorknob and it opens.

My heart stumbles because he never leaves a door unlocked. "Travis?" I ask with a shaky voice. I walk through the room but I don't find him.

My thoughts turn to Elizabeth, terror grips my throat as I run out the room to hers. I don't knock. I don't even stop to think. I burst through the door and the front of her room empty. My stomach sinks as I make my way deeper into the room. "Elizabeth?" My voice is broken. I can't. I can't lose them too.

Her bathroom door is slightly open, but my eye catches some blood smeared on the sink infront of me.

Without thinking twice, I fly into the bathroom looking for her injured or dead body.

Instead I find her butt naked standing in the bath/shower. My eyes widen and my mouth falls open, I'm frozen in place. She on the other hand shrieks and reaches for a towel but slips and falls into the bath.

Instinct controls me as I rush towards her to help her. She tries to stand but flops back down. The blood slowly being spread across the bath. "Get out!" She screams when I finally grab her arm to help steady her.

It is only then that I realize that it's her booby wound that is bleeding, she was probably trying to clean the wound and change the dressing.

Her boobs jiggle with every movement she makes, I quickly hang my head and close my eyes. "I-I'm so so sorry." I stutter out. "I couldn't find Grant..." I explain while she tries to take deep breaths to calm herself down. "I found your door open and saw the blood on the sink... I... I... thought..." my voice breaks again and I want to kick myself for being so weak.

"Miles... okay... I'm okay... just-"

Footsteps rush into the room and stop suddenly behind me. "What the actual fuck?!" I hear Grant's voice from behind my back.

I flinch, knowing how bad this must look. "Get the fuck out! Both of you!" She shouts, I let go and walk sheepishly out the door.

Grant stands there expectantly but my emotions take hold of me and I lose control. "Where the fuck were you?!" I shove him backwards. He is stunned and just stares at me. I walk up to him and grip his shirt in my hands, my eyes glossy. "I thought he fucking got to you man!" I shout and roughly shake him.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن