Chapter 26

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Due to unforeseen circumstances I have to change my updating schedule and only update once a week.
I will be posting every Thursday from now on until my circumstances have changed. Thank you for understanding.

Detective Jordan

As soon as I get to the hotel, I rush as fast as I can towards the door. Walking through the door I stop in the lobby. Grant and Elizabeth are sitting on couches close to the door dozing.

I look at a clock on the wall and realize I've been gone for hours, guilt overtakes me and I slink towards them.

When I stand close to them I debate on how to wake them up. I clear my throat and Elizabeth's eyes snap open. "Fucking hell Miles!" She shouts.

Grant jumps from the chair and has his hands up ready to fight. When he realizes it's just me he relaxes but glares at me. "You're an idiot Miles!" He smacks the side of my head.

I hang my head before I gather my courage to look up at them again. "I know where he is." I avoid the topic they want to talk about.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Grant asks and I walk towards the room.

"He's taken her back to the house." I say over my shoulder. "I went to the warehouse and I realized that he'd want to get away far from here." I enter my room and begin packing. "And to do that he'd need gas, so I went to the station on the edge of town and behold, I found him on the camera footage." I begin packing my clothes and throw all my stuff in my bag. "He spoke to the cashier and told her that he was heading home with his girlfriend and I figured out that he would take her back to the house where she-"

Grant grabs my arm. "Miles. Do you know how long you were gone for?" I shake my head, what's the big deal. "6 hours dude. 6." My mouth falls open. "You need to take a brea-"

"No!" I shout and pull my arm violently out of his grip. "I'm not taking a fucking break. If I take a break. He has more time with her. And who knows what the fuck he's done with her. I will not take a fucking break or slow down. I will not lose her a second time dammit!" I slam the drawer shut and walk to my table to grab my toiletries including the dressing for my wounds.

"If you're not coming with me it's fine. But I'm not going to wait until we get a call that her body has been found." I shove the rest of my things in my bag and storm out of the room.

"Miles, wait!" Grant calls out to me. I stop and turn slightly to see a very shocked Elizabeth standing behind a distraught Grant. "Just wait 5 minutes. Let us just pack. You're not going to face that guy alone. Over my dead body."

"I'll go and get a car arranged." They walk to their rooms and I walk to reception. I dial the rental agency and speak to a guy. I explain that we are on a case and need a car as soon as humanely possible. When I say the towns name he is very pleased to hear it because they have a branch there. An agent will fetch the car when we get there.

By the time the car stops and I'm handed the keys, Grant and Elizabeth have come with their bags.

I get in the driver's seat with Grant in the passenger and Elizabeth at the back.

We pull away and when we hit the highway, the sun is almost gone. But I'm not tired one bit. I'm focused. I need to get him.

"Miles... listen dude..." Grant starts but I stop him.

"Please don't..." I beg him. "Just... just let me save her..." I say softly. The silence is deafening, so I turn the radio on to break the silence.

As my mind whirls with ideas and thoughts, Grant suddenly leans forward and turns the radio up. I come back to earth and listen to the person speaking.

"Yes ladies and gentlemen, you heard me. Right under the main highway, the mysterious car which had a young man and woman, is indeed the car that Jayden James was last seen driving. The authorities have confirmed that the car that was seen by a few people under one of the busiest highways in this country was definitely Jayden's car."

I stare at Grant. "Who the fuck leaked this?" I hiss out but Grant motions for me to stay quiet.

"It has also been confirmed, after the crime lab analysed the scene, that the shirtless woman that was seen, was Dianne Cian. The crime scene analysts commented that semen and other bodily fluids were found under the bridge as well as a pair of shorts."

I curse and hit the steering wheel. I was hoping that I would've saved her from that monster's lust.

"If you see the car or Jayden James or Dianne Cian. Please contact the authorities. This is Amanda reporting for..." Grant turns the volume back down.

"Who the hell decided to not tell the fucking lead investigators this?!" I shout through clenched teeth. I grip the steering wheel tightly and my knuckles go white.

"I'm on it." Elizabeth says from behind me and I hear her dialing a number.

"He raped her... under the bridge Travis. Under a fucking bridge in the middle of the day... what is he doing to her now that he has her alone?" He shrugs.

"Man I know this case means a lot to you but... you have to be with the world man. You're zoning out way too much." I stay silent knowing he's right. "It's as if you're-"

"Hey guys." Elizabeth interrupts and I'm internally grateful. "So apparently what we heard is all true. The reason they didn't notify us was that they are backlogged and the officer that leaked the story is now facing disciplinary action."

I let it sink in. "Bastard!" I shout. It's very ironic that my phone vibrates at that exact moment. I dig it out and pass it to Grant. "Read it for me."

He mumbles something but I don't catch it. He goes silent. Too silent. I look at him and his face says it all. "It's him isn't he?" I ask and he just nods. "What does it say?" Silence. "What does the fucking text say?!" I lose my cool. I'm losing my control way quicker than I normally do. This case just needs to end with a good ending.

"It's a picture with a caption." He says simply. My stomach tightens and he turns the screen for me to see. A glance is all I needed, to see the extent of his brutality.

She's tied to a chair. Completely naked. With blisters and burns all over her body, her skin is red. Her eyes begging for help but at the same time begging for this all to be over.

Tears sting my eyes and I look away. He shows Elizabeth and she gasps. "What does the caption say?" I ask Grant. He doesn't answer me. "Tell me!"

"Okay okay... it says... 'Do you want to play a game of truth or dare, Detective?' Miles..." I shake my head.

"What sick game are you playing Jayden..." I mutter and the other two hear me but all I'm doing is echoing their thoughts.

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