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Hi, sorry for going completely AWOL on you guys. Here's the entire thread of issues that went on inducing the delayed chapters for the series.

Me and a small group of friends had placed a bet just very much prior to when George announced the UK vlog editing, and as I was working in the drafts of my chapters, I was given a bet that I'll release it before George made his vlog edit. 

Simple, right? I STUPIDLY accepted. But GEORGE NEVER UPLOADED. Not till right now at least, he will in the very near future. So I waited, and it never came out. Well.

But I'll have to thank George for the delayed chapters because then the a6d drama happened. For context, dreamscodeau is about CODING. At that time, I was dragging (well, you can guess at this time) A6D to be a huge part of this story.

Q: Why can't you slot in Spifey or Fundy to compensate instead?A: I can't, I wanted the dynamics to be interwoven, and watching A6d's content for so long made me understand a big portion of his personality and helped me draft out how exactly he communicated. I don't watch the rest, though I'm starting to.

I decided that if I were to continue, I wanted to keep A6d in it because well, he's like in a huge fat chunk of it that I wrote because he codes.I debated for a while in a discord server and the lashback, AND constructive criticism I might add, all led up to quite a unanimous decision: Don't write anymore about it. 

We have to move on from A6D, and unless he makes a clean and changed comeback, nobody really wants to hear about A6d. So I wouldn't be wasting my time developing the story. I'll have to agree.

I do have the vague wording and direction of where the story is going to go, and the end as well (it's incredibly messy I apologize).There's multiple ending plots! (Next chapter)

I'll be posting everything in a neater, less scrambled mess from what the original plot draft looked like.

And if anybody wants to continue writing from any point at all, or write their versions, or do anything in regards to this AU, go ahead, the AU was originally founded by TweekBr0s, and not me. I only made a spin off of it and hit dead ends multiple times, this one being the last, but enjoyed myself nevertheless. 

I'll just end the inevitably disappointing announcement for a tldr summative:I won't be finishing DreamsCodeAU in writing, and I really apologize for dragging it out.

Also, the comics are sometimes archived on my instagram page, to prevent anyone from getting their hopes up just to be disappointed in here. I say sometimes because I've just unarchived them, although I archive and unarchive my things very often for personal satisfaction. So you probably won't find it there. Check it anyways if you will :)

My comics are still present in Twitter though! (Chro_)
Though you might.. have to scroll through a lot of my tweets (450 of them thus far). Sorry.

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