Chapter 10: Cut scene

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Dream quickly realized two things.

Running proved to not be exhaustive for him.

Second, in this sadistic cat and mouse game he was playing, he would have to get good fast, or get dead faster.



Dream stepped back, taking one last look at his friend before turning away and taking a sweeping scan at the plains. There. The forest, he would blend in. He only hoped his opposition was as clueless about the landscape as he was. Before he even managed to take a single stride, a holographic burst of light appeared in front of him, halting him in his tracks.

"Welcome, player DreamWasTaken." It read, with a blinking red dot beside it.

He waved it off, trying to head off, but made contact with the panel.

Black walls suddenly enveloped him, and he was no longer in the plains. He took a quick look behind him. No George. No portal. Just him, the black walls, and the panel still. Tentatively, Dream tapped the panel again. 

It flitted off and another panel expanded before his very eyes. Symbols, no, numbers, flickered across it briefly before settling into an alphabetic, legible sequence. He took a step backwards, tilting his head upwards to read.


[The Speedrunner's goal is to complete the game without dying. They only have one life; the game ends if they die.

The Hunter's goal is to try get the speedrunner to die in any way, shape, or form (including a death not caused by the hunter).]


Speedrunner: -Create a nether portal (Gather blaze rods at a Nether Fortress).-Gather Ender Pearls (form Eyes of Ender to track the stronghold)-Go to the End (Defeat the Ender Dragon)

Hunter:-Kill the speedrunner before they beat the Game


Speedrunner: Starter kit, Restart option

Hunter: Compass, Sword, Restart option


"Player..? ..Speedrunner?" That must be him, Dream figured. Scratching his head in frustration, he sighed. "So this, all, is just a Game?"


Dream jumped, putting up his fists at the unfamiliar intruder.

The man was dressed in all black. Not a business suit, not casual either. He seemed to be donning the outfit of an.. Assassin. Only his grey eyes showed.

"Sorry, stealth, all that. Just a habit, my bad. I was sitting here all along, not like there was a door or anything." The stranger rambled.

Dream blinked, looking behind him. No one else. And no door, just like the guy said.

"Right." The man laughed. "I'm the tenant of this place. And you must be Dream, the player."

"I guess." Dream shrugged. "Are you trapped? Another player?"
"No, I'm a program." The man snapped his fingers. The panel behind Dream disappeared. Dream nodded, gesturing for him to go on. "My name's Illumina, and I'm here to assist you throughout the game."

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