Chapter 69

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Wakatoshi let himself sink down into his couch with a sigh. He had just seen you off and hadn't liked the look on your face. He had planned to give you some more time before dropping this bomb on you, but Tendou had done well to rain on that parade.

The best he had been able to do is give you until tomorrow to think about it, which truthfully was not that long. He figured that the longer you had, the bigger the chance that you would agree to his proposal. If he had made you give him an answer right then and there, he was sure that a 'no' would have been your only option.

In fact, if he was honest, in an ideal world, he would have waited for at least a year more before even entertaining the thought of getting married to you. He'd come to visit you in your country next, maybe meet your parents and you'd meet his on your next visit to Japan. Well, you had already met his father once, but he wanted to properly introduce you to him. Maybe that would've been a good reason to go on a vacation together. 

He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration at the thought of all the things you still needed to do before taking this big step. How could he expect anyone to make such a commitment after spending only two months together? It was nothing short of crazy.

Yet, he realized, he wanted it. Even if the alternative hadn't been to marry a stranger, he knew he wanted this in the long run. He had already had a day to think about it, about life with you, and growing old together, and he was sure about his feelings on the situation. He was sure about you.

He could only hope that after having some time to think about it, you would come to the same conclusion.

He had absolutely no idea of what your feelings were at the moment, in fact, he was just glad that you had given him the chance to explain. He could not imagine you would be able to see him in a positive light now, let alone decide to get engaged to him.

Tomorrow evening couldn't come fast enough and was way too close all at once. He tried to calm his nerves by telling himself that you not instantly rejecting him was a good thing. You being willing to go back and think about it meant that you were at least not so opposed to the idea that you shot it down right then and there.

He leaned back and let a long sigh escape his lips. Why had he been such an idiot? Why had he not remembered about the arrangement earlier?

He was sunken so deep in thought that he hadn't heard someone knocking on his apartment door at first. When it did register in his mind he thought about just pretending to be out, he absolutely did not feel like entertaining Satou, his nosy neighbor, at this time.

However, him being who he was, he couldn't ignore the knocking after all. With an uncharacteristic groan, he got up from the couch and threw a glance at the time. It had only been a little more than ten minutes since you left.

Last time she had also come to check up on him, when you had your fight a month ago. You both hadn't really kept your voices down back then, so he wasn't surprised when she had come knocking on his door to see if everything was alright. He walked to the door, trying to think of an excuse to not have to talk to her right now.

When he opened the door, he froze in shock and his eyes went wide for the second time that day. The cause of it was again, you.

"What..?" Was the only thing he was able to stammer when you forced your way past him to stand in his living room, not even bothering taking your shoes off. He could only hurry after you, an unsettling feeling already in the pit of his stomach.

"I can't... I can't do this." You told him standing in the middle of the room, your back turned to him.

His heart sank, this was not going to be good, was it? You turned around and met his eyes before continuing.

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