Chapter 32

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After returning to your hotel from dinner with everyone you contemplated asking Wakatoshi to go do something in the afternoon tomorrow, when you had finished your shopping, but in the end decided against it.

Tomorrow was their day off after which they would be playing the semi-finals on Saturday. Japan would be facing Brazil, who were one of the favorites to win and had been doing really well in the competition, having lost only once. 

The team that had won from the otherwise unbeaten Brazilians was Italy. Italy would be facing Russia in the semi-finals on Saturday. If Japan could overcome the powerhouse that was Brazil they would be facing the winner of the Italy versus Russia match on Sunday in the finals. Those were the teams Japan had lost their only two matches to.

Either way, you knew that this weekend would be very important for the Japanese team and you didn't want to get in the way of any preparation Wakatoshi might need to do.

The next morning you made sure to be down at the entrance of your hotel five minutes early. Just like he promised, Tendou joined you at 10 am sharp and the two of you made your way to the shopping street.

"So do you have any idea what you want to get?" Tendou asked you as you walked by the first stores.

You shook your head. "Not really. I was originally planning on getting him something from the tournament, but seeing as he's in the tournament that would be really lame."

That made him chuckle. "Yeah, I get that. How do you feel about volleyball related gifts?"

"Nope. That's going to be way too expensive anyway, I don't think he would use anything but the best gear." You reasoned, making Tendou sigh.

"Well there goes most of the list I came up with yesterday! It's not easy thinking of something he would like to have if you exclude volleyball.." He scanned the street for interesting shops and excitedly made his way to one.

"What about this?!" He suggested.

"Tendou, I remember specifically asking you for serious advice..." You said as you kept your distance from the lingerie shop Tendou was currently looking into the window of.

"What?" He asked you innocently.

"Even if I was inclined to do something like... that." You motioned towards the 'outfits' currently on display. "I'm not sure he'd like it."

Tendou chuckled as he continued his way down the street. "He might be all stoic and serious, Wakatoshi is also a guy, you know."

"Yes yes, I don't want any gifts that require me to undress. I thought that was a given." You said and noticed that Tendou's eye had caught something again.

"How about a gift that requires you to dress up?" He asked you before crossing the road and making his way to stand in front of a clothes shop.

"Uh..." You didn't immediately know what to say to that. "What do you mean?"

"I've caught him looking at that dress more than once." He started explaining. "I'm pretty sure he would like to see you in it."

You looked at the dress Tendou pointed out. It was a very pretty dress for sure, but it was not something you would usually wear.

"Are you sure?" You asked, still feeling skeptical.

"My guesses are usually pretty good." He assured you. "You can at least go try it on right? No harm in that."

You allowed Tendou to convince you to go into the store and try it on.

As you stood in the dressing room looking in the mirror you barely recognized yourself. You found it so hard to judge if it looked 'good', to you it just looked weird.

"How long can it take you to put on a dress?" Tendou's voice shook you from your thoughts.

"I'm already done of course." You retorted.

"Then why aren't you coming out?" He asked you genuinely.

"What? I'm not coming outside!" You felt way too embarrassed to go out like this, especially in front of someone you admittedly did not know so well.

"Are you kidding me? I want to see what it looks like!"

"No!" You whined.

"Either you come out on your own or I'm coming in!" He threatened with a chuckle.

"Fine! Just... Give me a moment alright?" You gave in and took a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm doing this." You muttered to yourself before steeling your nerves and slowly opening the curtain.

"See! You look great!" Tendou exclaimed almost immediately.

"You really think so? I think I look weird..." You admitted.

"What? No! You're just not used to seeing yourself like this. The dress looks gorgeous on you, surprisingly Wakatoshi has good taste." Tendou assured you.

"But isn't it weird for a gift? 'Happy birthday, I wore a dress.'"

"You could always get him something small to actually give to him." He shrugged.

You took another look at yourself in the mirror trying to make up your mind.

"Okay." You said, already sure you would regret this decision later on. "But I want to get something else as well. Just to be safe."

You went to the register to pay and then continued on exploring the shopping street.

You found something to your liking in a side street in a shop that sold custom made leather wristbands.

Against Tendou's warnings that Wakatoshi wouldn't be able to wear it much since he would be playing a lot of volleyball now that he was going pro, you found one to your liking and he had to admit that it was an interesting choice to say the least.

You then went to have lunch and it was only when you sat down to order something that you noticed you had missed messages on your phone.

There was one text message from Michael and two messages on Line from Wakatoshi.

Michael asked you to tell Ushijima and Oikawa good luck on the semi finals from him. 

Wakatoshi had asked you if you were available for lunch about an hour ago. Then five minutes ago he had told you that he would be going on his own since you were apparently busy.

You quickly apologized and told him that you went shopping; but you could meet up with him later if he still wanted to.

You ate a light lunch with Tendou and then the two of you made your ways back to your respective hotels. Before you parted ways Tendou asked you when you were planning on giving your gift.

"I was planning on giving it to him Sunday evening. That way, if they lose maybe it will cheer him up a little. It's also the closest to his actual birthday, since that's on Tuesday."

In the worst case scenario Japan would come in fourth, which was still very good for a world championship but you figured Wakatoshi was someone who would only be satisfied by a victory.

"I see. So are you not planning on seeing us off on Monday?" Tendou asked you curiously.

"Of course I am! I just don't feel that the morning right before he leaves is the moment to come trudging on with a present."

"Oh okay, I get that. Well, see you tomorrow then? Let's kick some Brazilian butt!" Tendou said as he parted ways with you to go to his own hotel.

By the time you had arrived at your room you had a new message from Wakatoshi.

'I can pick you up at your hotel by 3 pm.' 

You looked at the time, that was still a little more than an hour away.

'Okay, see you then!'



Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll see you all Sunday for the next one!! ヾ(°∇°*)

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