Chapter 28

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"I've decided to stay until the end of the tournament!"

For a moment Wakatoshi just stood there, as if he was processing the words you had just told him.

"Good." Was what he told you before he looked down at your luggage, which you and him were still holding.

"Why do you have your bag then?" He asked you, still not letting go.

"I need to change hotels. I had to check out of the old one before 10 am, so I had to bring my luggage with me. I'm going to go check in to my new hotel now" You explained to which he nodded.

"I'll carry it to the car." He said and you finally released your own hold on the handle.

"The car?" Tendou asked Wakatoshi, one eyebrow raised. "What do you mean, the car?"

"You know I can't just go around driving where ever I want right?" He continued in Japanese. "They'll have my head if something happens now and I'm not available."

"No one is going to get injured now." Wakatoshi rebuked. "It won't take long."

"Tch, when did you stop caring about the rules? We'll see where her hotel is and if it's not too far from ours I'll do it." Tendou said and made his way to you. "Do you have the address for the hotel?" He asked you and opened maps on his phone.

You pulled out your piece of paper with the address and how to get there with public transportation and gave it to him.

You and Wakatoshi watched as he typed in the address to his phone. "Oho? This is actually very close to our hotel. Lucky!"

Without another word Wakatoshi started walking towards the exit.

"Come on, lets go!" Tendou said with a grin as he gave you a push to get you going.

You hurried to keep up with them and after a few minutes of walking you came to a stop at Tendou's little white rental.

"Let me just send a text so everyone knows that we left already." Tendou mumbled while Wakatoshi was putting his and your bags in the trunk.

You took place in the back while Wakatoshi took the passenger seat. He pushed the seat as far back as he could to have a bit of room for his legs.

You were seated behind Tendou, who had also put his seat pretty far back, but not as much as Wakatoshi. Being tall also had it's disadvantages you knew.

As Tendou pulled out of the parking lot he did not waste a lot of time getting conversation going.

"So what are you doing tomorrow? It's a rest day so there won't be any matches." He asked you as he turned a bit in his seat trying to look at you.

"Tendou, eyes on the road." Wakatoshi told him sternly.

"Yes, mom." Tendou replied as he turned back, looking for you in the rearview mirror instead.

"I hadn't thought about that yet. I didn't expect to still be here after all." You had noticed on Michael's program that there would be two rest days, but had never bothered to find out what days they were precisely since there hadn't been a point then.

A short silence followed before Tendou spoke up again. "Didn't you say you wanted to learn a bit of volleyball? Maybe you can teach her a bit, Wakatoshi-kun?"

You felt the urge to kick Tendou's seat, but resisted, you couldn't believe he had actually asked that so casually.

"I'm not supposed to work out tomorrow." Came Wakatoshi's reply and your immediately felt silly for getting your hopes up.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be the one working out. It would be good practice for coaching too." Tendou easily talked around Wakatoshi.

"Why would I need to practice coaching?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Come on, everyone and their dog knows that the only thing you'll be doing when you retire from playing volleyball is teaching volleyball!" Tendou grinned. "Kids will be bragging to their friends that THE Ushijima Wakatoshi is the coach of their little kiddies team. Women from all over Miyagi will be flocking to your gym and be like 'Coach Ushiwaka did you see my spike? How was it?'. And you would be like 'Too close to the net. Try again.'. Breaking all their hearts with you stoic obliviousness." Tendou was basically laughing now but Wakatoshi seemed to be deep in thought.

As Tendou was still going on about how he imagined Wakatoshi would be like as a coach the latter turned in his seat to face you. "Can you make it to the gym tomorrow?"

You nodded quickly. "As I said, I don't have any plans."

"Good, is 10 am okay?" He asked and you nodded again.

It wasn't long after that you arrived at your new hotel, you said your goodbyes at the entrance, with Tendou giving you thumbs up behind Wakatoshi's back all the while.

Then you went inside to register at the reception and Tendou and Ushijima left for their own hotel.

Your new room was shabbier than the previous one, but not dirty or anything. You got what you paid for.

You sat down on the double bed and went through your finances on your phone. You had been saving up a bit of money since the landlord had decided to lower the rent on some of the apartments, including yours, a few months ago. The extension of your trip should not make too big of a dent in your savings account.

You then turned to your bag and realized that you would either have to find a laundromat or buy some extra clothes. While you always packed a little extra, for emergencies, you were not prepared to extend a weekend trip into a week-and-a-half stay.

Thinking about your clothes, or rather lack thereof, brought you to another realization. You had agreed to go 'training' with Wakatoshi tomorrow, but you had not brought any sports wear. You had prepared to watch sports, not engage in it.

A t-shirt was no problem, but pants? You would also need indoor sports shoes...

You took out your phone again and quickly typed a message.

'Hey, I don't have indoor shoes. That's a problem right?'

It didn't take long before you got an answer.

'Yes. We can buy them tomorrow.'

'Sure. Same place, same time?'

'We could meet earlier and have breakfast first. 9.30 at my hotel?'

You couldn't keep a smile of your face.


'See you tomorrow.'



Hey guys, for those of you who didn't see my notice, I've been sick so I was not able to update yesterday. [ ± _ ± ]

I took some medicine yesterday evening and I'm feeling much better so I was able to put out the chapter today instead (*^▽^*)

I hope you liked it and see you next time!! (≧∇≦)/

Tutor (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang