Chapter 51

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'I love you'

Somehow you had known. You knew that he loved you and you knew that you loved him back. Yet hearing him actually say the words still made your heart skip a beat and a wide, goofy grin spread on your face.

You felt like burying your face into his coat again, but stopped yourself from doing so. Instead, you held his gaze as you told him: "I love you too."

His smile widened just a fraction and his eyes closed. Wakatoshi was not one to smile or laugh often but lately, you had been seeing more and more of it and you felt yourself getting addicted to the sight.

You wanted to see it every day and you almost lost yourself in happiness at the thought that soon enough, you would. You decided to make it your mission to make him smile every single day of the two months you would be living together.

You leaned against him as you watched the illuminated trees for a while longer in silence, basking in each other's presence.

After a little while, you started to feel the cold though, and suggested you went back to walking.

Wakatoshi laced his fingers together with yours and you wondered how it was possible that, even though his hands were bigger than yours, your hands fit together so perfectly.

"I have a match in Tokyo next week. You and Marie can both come to watch if you'd like." He said after a few minutes of walking. You were nearing the end of the street and with it the end of the light display.

"Just tell me the time and place, I'll be there." You told him, happily. "I'm not sure about Marie, it will depend on the plans she already had for that day."

"Well, let me know beforehand if she'll be there so I can arrange seats for you." He said and you nodded, making a mental note to ask her.

"She went out with Hyakuzawa today." You told him. "I wonder how it's going.

"Hyakuzawa is a good guy." He said, and it felt like he was reassuring you.

"He is, it's him I'm worried about." You chuckled, making Wakatoshi raise and eyebrow. 

"Is there reason to be?" He asked.

"Not really I guess. It's just, he's quite a bit younger than Marie. She's two years older than us, so that means they're four years apart." You explained. "It seems that he really likes her and I'm a bit worried he might get his heart broken. But I don't know... Maybe I'm worrying too much, she wouldn't deliberately hurt him, I'm sure of that at least."

"Then there's nothing to worry about." He concluded and you couldn't do anything but agree.

Your attention turned back to your own situation as you effectively came to the end of the light display and had to turn around. You realized your evening was fast approaching its end.

It seemed Wakatoshi had come to the same conclusion as you noticed him sigh. "I guess we'd better start on our way to the airport."

There was nothing you could do but agree. You would have loved to tell him you could stay, but in reality, it really wasn't an option. All your luggage was still in Osaka, you had a lot of plans in Tokyo, but most importantly you couldn't leave Marie hanging like that.

You had spent the last five months away from each other, surely you would survive the next week. And you had the match to look forward to as well. So after making sure you had everything on you and didn't forget anything in his apartment you both made your way to Sendai station once more.

Wakatoshi joined you for the train ride and at the airport to buy you a ticket. The journey that took you almost five hours by train, would now only be one and a half hour long.

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