Chapter 27

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You met up with Michael and some of the others who were also going to be watching Korea against Argentina. He immediately offered to carry your bag for you and the two of you went to find a cloakroom to store it.

"I hope it's not too much of a bother that I'm not returning with you guys..." You said again, still feeling a bit bad about it.

"It's no bother at all! In fact Laura's brother was able to get a refund on his return ticket and will be taking your place!" Michael reassured you again. "You just go partying it up with your Japanese friends and don't worry about us so much."

You laughed. "We're not going to 'party it up'! I'll be glad if I can meet up with them a few times."

"Yeah well, if they let you in on any volleyball secrets you have to tell me okay?" He grinned as you arrived at the stands and then pointed at a few seats near the front. "There okay for you?"

You nodded and the both of you sat down to enjoy the second to last match of the tournament you would be watching together.

Korea put up a good fight but had to bow to Argentina with a loss of one set to three.

For lunch you stayed close to the gymnasium and at a quarter to one you were all back at the court for Japan's match against the Czech Republic.

To your surprise most of both the boys and girls college teams had flocked to the seats around where you and Michael were seated, even Katie was present.

Both teams were warming up and you couldn't help but notice whispers of 'Ushijima' all around you and before you could react, you heard one of Michael's more extraverted teammates who was conveniently seated right behind you call out.


You turned around in shock and saw that he was waving with one hand and holding the other over your head, pointing down at you.

You felt your face flush and turned back to face the court embarrassed. There had been a few women calling out to him now and again as well and he hadn't reacted to them, so if you were lucky he wouldn't notice this as well.

The male voice and accent made Michael's teammate stand out however and as you turned around you noticed not only Wakatoshi but about half of the Japanese team, including Oikawa and Nishinoya looking in your direction.

"Kill me now." You whispered to Michael as you tried to disappear in your seat. But he just chuckled.

"Look, Nishinoya is waving at you!" Michael reported and you suddenly heard many female Japanese fans cheer. "Oikawa too!"

You lifted your head and hesitantly raised your own hand to give a little wave back.

Then your eyes met Wakatoshi's and he also lifted a hand and gave you a nod. You couldn't help a smile forming and you managed to give him a more energetic wave through your embarrassment.

The match got underway and you couldn't help but notice every time Wakatoshi looked in your general direction.

Japan was able to take the game in three straight sets and as the crowd began to fie out of the stadium Michael and some of the others said their goodbyes to you. They'd be leaving after picking up their stuff from the hotel.

"I'll see you when you get back okay?" He told you as he hugged you.

You returned his hug, a bit awkwardly. "Thank you for inviting me."

"No, thank you for coming along! I had a great time because of you!" He grinned and then joined his friends who were already approaching the exit, leaving you on your own.

After a moment your brain kicked back into gear and you made your way towards the cloakroom to pick up your luggage, it was late enough now to check in to your new hostel.

As you were waiting for the lady to return with your luggage, you heard a group of people talk excitedly in a language you didn't recognize. You turned to the source of the sound and realized it must be one of the teams that would be having a match next.

"Miss?" You heard the cloakroom lady call out to you, making you quickly turned away from the commotion and took your suitcase from her.

You had only been able to take a few steps however when you felt someone take hold of your luggage. Surprised you turned around to come face to face with the perpetrator.

A few scenarios had run through your mind in the split second that it took you to turn around and an out of breath Wakatoshi had not been one of them.

"W-Wakatoshi?" You managed to stutter. "What are you doing here?"

Then you noticed Tendou catch up with his friend. "Yes Wakatoshi, what are we doing here? You didn't even cool down properly." He asked as he looked curiously from Wakatoshi to you and back.

"I'll walk you to your bus." He told you and motioned towards the exit.

You blinked. He came running all the way here to take you to the bus stop? What did he think you were, five?

"Wakatoshi-kun, I'm pretty sure she can manage on her own." Tendou said what you were thinking.

Wakatoshi did not let go of your bag though and had a determined look in his eyes.

"But, you're leaving now, right?" He asked you, genuinely and you and Tendou looked at each other wide eyed.

"You didn't tell him?!" The both of you exclaimed and Wakatoshi just stood there confused.

"Didn't tell me what?" He asked, his question not directed at any of you two specifically.

You couldn't help but laugh before telling him: "I've decided to stay until the end of the tournament!"



I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and are staying safe in these trying times! (Ɔ˘⌣˘)(˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ C)

Thanks for reading and see you Wednesday!! (≧∇≦)/

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