Chapter 28: Fenton Enters The Chat

Start from the beginning

Steelbeak shrugged "Beats me. I tried asking you about Mark but it only made you cry so I changed the subject." He opened up one of his drawers attached to his desk and moved some important documents around until he found the receipt from Red Lobster. "Here's the receipt. Maybe it'll help retrace your memory."

She slowly took the receipt from him to study it. The date sounded very familiar, she had been upset with Mark at the time. Ellie handed the receipt back to him without saying anything else. There wasn't anything she thought she could say.

He put the receipt back where he found it and shut the dware. "Anyways, since I'm like, in charge of everything around here now, I would love to take you on another date again sometime."

Her chest warmed up again and it took every ounce of her willpower to not spill out everything to him. How she wanted him to stop talking and just embrace her. But she wanted to try to keep some of her dignity and countered his question. "What are you going to do to me? I did not give you the information you wanted so why are you...being nice? I'm not useful to you. You... you got rid of Gloria when she wasn't useful to you." She choked out. "I am not any different."

"I don't get it... We both like eachother and I want to take you out on a second date so why are you questioning my reasoning? Aren't you happy that I asked you out and stopped electrocuting you?"

"What? Of course I am!" Ellie waved her hands frantically, trying to get herself out of the hole she just dug herself into. The last thing she wanted to do was push him further away when he was just getting closer. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm just very confused about everything going on right now."

Steelbeak inhaled the last bit of his cigar before putting it out. "So is that a "yes"? On the date?"

She quickly nodded her head, giving him an immediate yes. She was in anguish while waiting for him to move closer to her; hoping he did. Her programmed emotions were going haywire and she awkwardly twiched again.

Steelbeak smirked, knowing what her programming was doing to her, and that her subconscious was trying to stop it. "What's wrong."

"N-nothing." Ellie stammered out quickly, looking away.

"You've been twitching all day. Why is that?"

Stop asking questions. Ellie internally demanded of him. She was still much too embarrassed to admit to anything. "It's just a- just a habit of mine."

"Really? Because I don't remember you doing that during our date."

She gulped. "That's... weird."

"It is..." He scooted over and took Ellie's hand to stare at it as if he was in deep thought. "I'm sorry that I had to hurt you yesterday. You know I didn't want to, right? I've just been angry as of late and Mark Beaks, the thorn in my side, has not been much of a help. It pains me to think about all the horrible things he's done to you in the past- but that's another story. We shouldn't even be talking about him! I'm sure you're much happier here now with me than you ever were with him."

Ellie squeezed his hand and smiled softly. "Don't apologize, I understand." She insisted. "Mark has intentionally hurt me many times but I- I know that you don't mean to and I appreciate it. I deserved it for... not complying."

He smiled back "Thank you for seeing it from my perspective. It's been so stressful being a dictator and all but you've been great at helping to remind me of what truly matters in life."

Her chest was so warm and full; she couldn't tell if she was in pain or in bliss. Ellie twitched awkwardly again causing her to lean forward a bit. "You remind me of what matters too."

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