Chapter 18: Steelbeak Loses His Marblez

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Imagine you're watching a movie and on the screen you see a menacing looking silhouette standing in the window of a scottish themed capitol building, hands behind their back. Smog surrounds the area, the city has turned into a communist party government, anarchy mixed in there as well to provide further chaos.

The camera zooms in, the figure becomes more clear. It's Glomgold decked out in his Gucci kilt, plaid crocs, and new Ray-bans. He has no shirt on because he wants to show off his muscles to the world. He is smirking as he looks down at citizens bowing down to giant statues of him while wearing their mandatory city uniforms.

And then you realize there is no movie screen because this whole thing is real and it's your reality. Sucks to suck.

While you suffer in the streets, the story continues. Glomgold has continued to stand in his building, eating away at his sour cream and onion potato chips. And yes, an anime version of him is on the bag. He looked down at his golden watch (made from gold he stole from Scrooge) and laughed maniacally. "Perfect..." He murmured to himself, dropping the now empty chip bag for the roomba to pick up even though it always jammed when trying to do so. "It's almost time for my daily viewing of a starving Scrooge crying." He cockroach crawled over to the door, still shirtless, to go annoy Scrooge when there was an unexpected knock. "WOT?! IT'S NOT TIME FOR MY 4:15 EARL GREY TEA!"

"Supreme Ruler Godgold, it is two of your God Bots to announce our daily report."

Glomgold threw his head back and loud a two year old scream before opening the door. "FINNNNNNEEEEEEE! BUT MAKE IT QUICK!"

The two God Bots stepped in, giving a salute. "Thank you, sir." Said one. "The city continues to lean in your favor. Due to disease and starvation, the people have become more desperate and are donating to your shrines like crazy. A lot of women, and some men, have contracted Stockholm syndrome and have fallen madly in love for their ruler. To sum up everything shortly, people have never adored you more than they have now. You have all the power you could ever want. The people view you not only as their God, but a trustworthy leader."

"Oh, I see..." Glomgold scratched his beard. "WELL, THAT'S COOL! CAN YOU TWO LEAVE NOW?!"

The other God Bot put a hand out. "We still have our daily bad news to announce."


"⅙ of the city has burned down from anarchist chaos, but that is of no issue considering it was the lower class part of Glomburg. Due to the high death rate, there are not enough people to be recruited for mandatory jobs so we are low on workers in the sewage, fast food, electricity, and construction industries."

"I don't care about all that. As long as people love me I say it's fine! You hear me? FINE! MUAHAHAHAHAH!"

"Supreme Leader Godgold, if you do nothing about the death rate you may not have people to rule at all in a few years."

Glomgold's brain went blank. Well actually if you put it that way then it just stayed the same. "Well...uhh er....I KNOW!" He threw his stubby arms in the air. "WE DO EXECUTIONS EVERY 2 WEEKS AND ONCE A MONTH THERE IS A WEEK LONG FEAST AND PARTY HELD IN MY HONOR! SOUND GOOD?"



"Well, actually sir, we have one more bad thing to announce..."

The room went more silent than Glomgold's brain for a second. "WOT?!"

The kilt wearing God Bot was afraid to start. This news was the worst of them all. "You see, a few inmates have escaped Camp Godgold..."


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