Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Sleep Tight

Remus popped into the Dark Common Area with a choking Logan following behind him as he pulled him behind him like a dog on a leash. A quick look around and seeing how dusty and neglected the common area was; something Janus never would allow, had the Duke running up the stairs the poor Logical side barely keeping up "Double Dee!" He called, skidding to a stop when he noticed that the place where the yellow door to the Snake Sides room was no longer a door but a painted yellow rectangle. Letting go of Logan's tie, Remus ran his hands over the yellow wall, trying to will the door to return to three-d so he could see his Janus. Janus who had worked really hard to bring he and Roman back. He missed the Snake Side so much. Only Janus was able to ground him. To help him found a better outlet for all the thoughts that ran through his head.

"Please, come out Dee!" He pleaded, frantically. "I have so many adventures planned for us. We have to finish our picnic in the swamp! You have to come out and see my creation! You have to keep my in line so I don't overwhelm Thomas!" He begged between rambling as he clawed at the wall, the yellow paint getting scratched off the interior. "You must! Your our balance! You manage the Darkside! Me! Come out!"

Logan who was loosing his tie slightly, watched as The Duke was practically clawing the wall at the yellow rectangle spot like some rabid wailing cat. "He's not going to be able to come." Logan said, looking over his shoulder as Patton and Roman who was still carrying a sleeping Virgil ran up the stairs. The Logical side held a hand out signaling the other sides to stay where they were. "He's depleted and exhausted himself. I wouldn't be surprised if ever saw him again."

Remus paused in his attempt to claw through the wall, giving a murderous look at the Logical side. "I brought you for ideas. Not to tell me he's gone!!" Remus snarled, Morningstar being summoned in his hand as he hefted it. "I'll just make him a new door." He growled, the Morningstar slamming into the wall leaving deep cracks in the structure.

Logan let the chaotic side do this a few more times before deciding to speak. After all, he himself had never seen what would happen if they used up everything that they were. Which was a part of Thomas. "Ah ha!" He said, as an idea hit him. "Thomas!"

"Thomas?!" Remus was in front of Logan, looking closely in the eyes. "What about Thomas?!"

"We are a part of Thomas." Logan said, matter of not fazed by the Dukes face suddenly close to his.

"GRRRRRrrrrrr!!" Remus growled, when Logan did not continue.

Logan sighed and crossed his arms at the display of teeth being bared at him. "We only formed because Thomas wanted us to." He stated. "We are him. And he is us. We are six of a whole. Thomas being the one in control."

Remus felt his eyes twitched as he listen to the Logical. This was why he hanged out with Janus. Janus talked where the Duke could understand him. The other Sides just made Remus want to pull out their vocal cords and replace them with funny sounding toy voice boxes so they would at least give him a laugh.

"So Thomas might be able to enter?" Patton asked, trying his hardest to keep up with Logan's thinking.

"That's what I said." Logan nodded.

"Look!" Roman said, staring at the yellow rectangle paint on the wall, that was starting to fade.

"Uh oh...." Patton gasped.

"No!" Remus screeched, placing his hand on the yellow and willing it to brighten. Trying to get it the door to come back. However, he only succeeded in dulling it faster. He yanked his hands away.

Deceit FallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora