Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:Too Late?

Deceit was trying to hold it together. This was his one shot, his final shot to turn everything back to normal, and he wasn't going to mess it up over some man baby that was having a selfish tantrum. Romulus was not only hurting Thomas, hadn't only took the twins away, but he had hurt Virgil and had attempted to take out Patton. With all the focus and energy he had left, Deceit flared out his fingers and created a swarm of snakes that were just as big as the one that was making sure he didn't fall over. Sending them all toward Romulus. Some he made bigger than the rest. He had to pin the Creative side down. Had to get that last cuff link. The more snakes he created the faster the scales on the half of his body began to spread faster.

"Is that all you got, you two faced freak!" Romulus taunted. Moving his way through the swarm of serpents. Chopping off heads, cutting them in half, even conjuring extra weapons to impale the creatures with. Edging closer and closer to the Snake side. He was going to chop off the Lying sides tongue. Skin the scales off of him, and then impale his head on stick for all the trouble he was causing.

Every strike Deceit felt. Every snake created, Deceit could feel himself get weaker, but he wasn't going to stop. Fitting the creature with his venom and having them bite at the King whenever he got close. "Freak am I? I'm not the one who glued himself back together!" He hissed out.

"I am one whole!" Romulus gritted out.

And Deceit could practically feel the venom in the Kings vein spread. His heart. He had to get it to his heart faster. "Got to Logan, take this." Deceit ordered the snake that was supporting his weight, summoning and handing it a syringe, backing himself into a corner as the large snake obeyed. Not once stopping as he made snake after snake.

"You're not going to be able to hold me back for long, Deceit. I will have your head. And free Thomas from your influence." Romulus declared.

The many snakes working hard to obey their purpose. Biting, tripping, and coiling themselves around their masters enemy. Sacrificing themselves for him. They had to drive him away. "Damn pests!" The King of Creativity cursed, taking out about hand full that try to hinder his approach to Deceit, who was more or less propped against the wall, intently focus on creating the little creature that were also a part of him, who's deaths he felt no matter how big or small.

(Out in the corridor)

"He's not waking up! Lo, he's not waking up!! What do we do?! Lo?!" Patton cried, in a panic and he hugged Virgil tightly, on the floor, his eyes baby blue, as he tried to make it all better.

Logan had helped moved them further from the door to the dungeon that Deceit and Romulus were still in. Were still fighting. "Patton, you must calm down." Logan said, calmly, having had already checked Virgil head wound. "He will wake up." He assured.

"Romulus he...Why would he....? Virgil's not breathing!!!" Patton couldn't get a clear sentence out, getting to hysterical, so just blurted the most important thing on his mind.

Logan cleared his throat, reminding himself to stay calm, since Patton was panicked enough for the both of them. "Patton, if you would loosen your arms, I am a hundred percent positive, Virgil will start back breathing." He stated, noting how tight the Moral Side was clinging to the unconscious emo.

Sniffling, Patton did as Logan instructed and Virgil took in a deep inhale of air, however he did not wake up. "Oh...." Patton breathe, stroking Virgil's hair in comfort.

"He should be fine with rest." Logan said, fixing his glasses, noting that Virgil would probably awaken soon now that Patton wasn't constricting his breathing. Off to the side his attention turned to the large snake slithering from the wall. "Fascinating." He mumbled when it lifted itself to his height, deposition the syringe in its mouth to the Logical Side. The large snake then open its mouth wide presenting its fangs. It took Logan only a few moment to deduce what was being asked of him. "Hmm, I didn't know Deceit could create creatures, I am going to have to have a long chat with Deceit after this. His abilities are quite fascinating." He murmured, as he started in on his task.

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