Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Like a Tyrant

Deceit groaned, sure that that kick had broken something, it hurt to air back in his lungs. At least they had one arm of the King restrained. Virgil was panicking beside the Lying Side, as Romulus had the blasted spear out and at the ready. He pulled himself to his feet using Virgil as support. Steadying himself as he searched Virgil's hands for the key. Not seeing it, his eyes zoomed in on where the King Romulus stood pulling at the chains that were keeping him from charging the two sides, The Snake Sides eyes spotting the key at the Kings feet where Virgil had dropped it. He had to get that key before Romulus noticed it.

"You two are some much trouble when I get free!" Romulus growl. "You have one chance to release me! NOW!" He ordered, stomping his foot on the ground.

Deceit and Virgil both hissed agitated with the order. Roman and Remus never tried to order them around like that. Deceit grabbed hold of the Anxious side you had turned red with anger, noticing how Virgil's eyes blazed purple signaling that he was ready to go in fight mode. Thanks to Patton Deceit felt delightfully disconnected to his emotions.

"I rather like you in chains." Deceit said, acting like that kick hadn't just caused great pains.

"Virgil, I don't know what he said to you to make you act this way-" Romulus started.

"He did have to say anything. I want my Roman back!" Virgil shouted cutting him off, tempest tongue slipping out again. The shadow coming to wrap around the Anxious side like an armor made of darkness.

"And I demand you give Remus back to me as well." Deceit said, stating his own order to the King. He didn't like how close to brown the green eye was. Didn't like how the red eye was starting to fade out too.

Romulus fumed at that. Yanking at the chains and stomping his foot in anger when it still kept him firmly attach the wall. "Well, your not getting them back. I am here to stay! And if you want to live happily during my reign you will do as I say. You Villains!" He demanded pointing his spear at them. Gritting his teeth, when his arm started burning where his veins were still yellow.

Deceit gave a small wave of his hand calling forth the large snake that had guarded Virgil, the serpent shooting from the stone wall silently and quickly slithered under Romulus's feet, tripping him as it grab the key in its mouth. Disappearing just as fast before Romulus could spot, by melting back into the wall.

"What the hell was that?" Romulus growled, picking himself up.

Deceit put on his best villainous smiled. After all, he was trying to take out that pride and confidence that seemed to radiate from the King of Creativity. "I thought it would fit you best to grovel on the ground at the new ruler of the Imagination." He chuckled. Virgil, joining in adding in a nice effect of a plan coming together. Even though it wasn't.

"WHAT?! YOUR NOT CREATIVITY!!" Romulus argued. Tossing his spear right at Deceit and Virgil.

The two leaned back as the bladed weapon whooshed past their heads, embedding itself in the stony wall of the dungeon behind them. "Temper, temper, my dear Romulus." Deceit tsked, shaking a finger, like a parent would do a child. "You seem to forget that, you are a childs imagination. What use would Thomas need with such an immature side as his creatitiy now as an adult. Of course I would be the better fit."

"Hmm, the Imagination seems to treat him like the new Ruler too." Virgil added, picking up on the act, eyeshadows deepening the longer his eyes stayed purple.

Romulus let out a shout of frustration as he stood back up. "You want to see power?!" He growled, the whites of his eyes turning black. "I will show you!"

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