Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: A Prince. A Duke. And A....

Roman's voice had just came out of the Kings mouth. Sure it was overlapped, but Roman was still in there, so maybe Remus was too. Deceit, pushed Patton's hands off him and stride over behind the King. Maybe he wasn't too late. Maybe there was still a chance. He let his hands slide onto Romulus's shoulders, being gentle for the twins. What he was going to do was probably going to hurt. No, that was wrong, it was going to hurt. He had thought he had been too late, but hearing Roman come through. Seeing that red eye brighten and no longer brown; Deceits plan was back into motion. Taking the venom filled syringe from his pocket, he stabbed the needle right where Romulus's heart would be, injecting the poison.


"Janus, no!" Patton and Logan both yelled in shock.

"Arg! What in the name of Mount Olympus was that?! That hurt!!" Romulus's and Roman's overlapped voices cried out in pain.

"Shut up you fool and fade away. You're not needed anymore!" Romulus gritted out, shaking his head and doubling over as the words left his mouth, clearly in pain.

"Spare me the arguments and grab an arm." Deceit hissed. Taking that Roman was active enough to be heard as a good sign.

Virgil being the quickest despite being hurt, made his way over, and grabbed hold of an arm as the serpents all but faded. Patton and Logan following the Anxious sides lead and both pulling at the remaining arm. Deceit wrapped his arms around the struggling kings neck; now that he wasn't being restrained by the snake anymore, and squeezed, blocking off his oxygen. "Tell me!" He hissed. "Who is Creativity?!" He asked, knowing that now that his venom was in the heart, any amount of untruths would be hard to say, so King Romulus if he wasn't suppose to be here, would not be able to point himself to be Creativity; because he wasn't.

Romulus felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. It was beating so fast. He could feel the pull in his spine, adding into it that the others were also trying to rip him apart. He couldn't let that happen. He had to struggle. But the Snake was choking the life out of him. Had dared to ask 'Who was Creativity?" As if he was going to answer. He didn't know what the Snake had done, but he wasn't about to say Roman and Remus. He bit his tongue so he would not be compelled to answer. He fought against the Prince the was fighting to reach out and speak. He wasn't going to lose. He wasn't going to let the twins split him. He wasn't going to give up his spot as the reigning King f Creativity.

Virgil, Patton, and Logan were pulling with all their might. "Is this you winging it?" Virgil grunted as he pulled. He never thought they would have actually resulted in pulling the King apart, but what the hell. He wanted his Roman back.

"Shut it Virgil and just pull!" Deceit snapped, fangs elongating as he bit into Romulus's neck. The King was starting to glow in the colors of red and green. For what seemed like an eternity they pulled, but Romulus was still whole. From the way Deceits head was angled he was able to have a good view of the right eye that showed the green coming back rapidly and almost glowing like the red. But all Romulus was still fighting the split. He could tell by how hard the Kings face was concentrating. Pulling him wasn't going to be enough. Releasing the neck from his bite Deceit back up a few paces. King Romulus was talking but more than one voice was being spoken in a garble that it was hard to decipher what was being said. But he could hear the rain in the voices, could hear the twins fighting back. Could hear his Remus.

Breathing hard, he felt his form shifting on him. Not yet though. He couldn't rest yet. He could look like a creature off of Alien for the rest of Thomas's life, if it meant him maintaining his human form long enough to perform one last ditch effort to split the King. "Keep pulling, no matter what!" He hissed. The three other sides looked at him, watching him as his shape wavered. If he could make his snakes melt through walls and he himself had the ability as a side to pop in and sink out whenever he wanted. And if Romulus could forced Roman and Remus to stay fused. Then Deceit jumping in should be no different. He should be able to fuse as well."Hope this works." He mumbled, and lunged forward. "Just like in Steven Universe." He said, trying to reassure himself. Shifting into a snake midway as he melted into the Kings back.

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