"Your highness, are you in there? , are you ok?"

"I'm fine"
Was all she was able to get out before her voice broke, quickly making her way to the shower and turning the water on full blast to cover the sounds of her walls crashing to the ground. A lifetime of sitting behind a perpetual wall of glass, unable to connect with anyone or anything including her father who was never around. Her closest friend if you will, was the nursemaid that turned down her bed every night and woke her each morning to get dressed for the day. She was a middle-aged motherly type with rosy cheeks like she'd been outside in the cold too much but her personality was always warm and welcoming.

Sitting on the floor of the alabaster tub, letting the water engulf her form, Lillian wept. Wept for the girl who didn't know what love was, for the girl who couldn't even love herself. Wept for the memories she didn't have, and the moments she dreamed of. Looking like a drowned flower whose petals were too wet to lift, Lillian slipped out of the tub, grabbing the towel from the counter, and began to gently dry off her wings. Wrapping herself tightly up in another before escaping the steaming bathroom back to the solitude of her room where Julie was patiently waiting for her with fresh cloths and corsets.

Julie didn't speak as she watched her walk quietly across the room, just did her duties, and began getting Lillian ready. The oversize shift had ruffles along the bust and the half sleeves were puffy to fill the soft blue dress sleeves out. Her corsets made especially for her to make room for her wings to lay naturally folded down her back was the last to be adorned.

"We must do your hair today child, your father is expecting guests from the fae courts bringing news of your courting and trip to spend the following weeks in each court"

"I don't want to spend weeks in a place where I'm not welcome" in a small withdrawn voice, Lillian watched as Julie matched the ribbons in her now partly braided hair to her dress and pulled it up leaving long strands of soft curls to frame her face and to trace gently down the back of her neck and the openness of the back of the dress.

"I know this isn't exactly what you had in mind for your eighteenth birthdays my dear but we all have our duties and responsibilities to keep"

"But I know nothing of these princes, or their families or where they come from and I'm just supposed to accept that and go with it, I don't need some prince to save me, I can do that on my own if he would just give me the chance to be myself and leave this castle without him sending every guard to babysit me"

"The guards aren't babysitting you, they're doing their jobs and protecting the heir to the throne, and you and I both know that even if he did let you out of these grounds you wouldn't know what to do with your new-found freedom even if it bites you in the butt."

"That's not the point the point is if he would just trust me and "

"He does trust you, it's not you, he doesn't trust, its the people"

"Because they're scared of the monster princess?!"

"Because they believe the horror stories of drunk old soldiers claims of hideous monsters and fae stealing their souls and use their glamor to make them do ungodly acts against one another"

"But I would never hurt anyone"

"We know that my dear but that doesn't mean they won't hurt you, you're just as susceptible to iron as any full-blood"

"I know that but"

"But nothing Lillian, your fathers' rules stand and you stay in the castle until he says otherwise"

Lillian sat there quietly trying to hold in the pain and hurt she was feeling as Julie finished her makeup. Julie turned to face her, she kneeled putting the booties on Lillian's feet before going to the side table to grab the tiara to place on her head. Laid in diamonds and silver filigree swirls encrusted in random spots to catch the light and finish off her look. Julie stood back as she smiled wholeheartedly.

"There, as beautiful as a flower floating in the river"

Lillian tried to smile knowing that Julie meant what she said.

"I know this may not be the life you dreamed of child but it's the only one you got, try to smile for your father, he's only doing what he thinks is best for you and the people"

Lillian bites her lip as she stood not saying a word just nodding in acknowledgment of the statement and turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror and how her wings feel almost like a cape down the back of her delicate dress. She looked the part of a fairy princess on the outside even though on the inside she was screaming, but like any good lady of breeding she tucked her tears away and the mask slid over her face and anything other than the flawless cream of her skin was hidden from the world.

"Ready my dear?"

Lillian nodded as she followed behind Julie to the door, both doors opened as she walked gracefully into the massive marble hallways. Keeping her eyes almost to the floor as she walked silently, passing column after column till she was standing before the grand dining hall doors. The giant golden eagle whose wings spread wide across both doors looked down at her hauntingly as the men from either side came forth and opened the doorway engulfing her in golden light and the sounds of laughter and glasses clinking as they were being refilled.

"Announcing the crowned highness, Lillian Mae Kingsley, Princess of Kalabeth"

Please be kind and tell me what you think, if you see error or issues or have suggestions please comment and help me build. I'll be posting a new chapter ever 2 weeks till I finish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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