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Tamaki Suoh- Thunderstorms just like your sister. Whenever there was storms, your normal instincts is to panic and hide with your sister. When Tamaki found this out, he'd sworn to his parents that he'd keep you both safe so he'd hug you and your sister tightly and do all he can to help you calm down.

Kyoya Ootori- Being alone/failure. Your parents have always had a high expectation of you and expect great things from you so when you fail a test or get something wrong you scold yourself so much on how stupid you care. Kyoya of course hated when you did that to yourself and would always always do what he can to make you feel better.

You also hated being alone cause your thoughts always get so loud. Kyoya found this out when he came over and heard you crying. He immediately ran to your room seeing you curled up on your bed with your hands over your hears blocking out any noise and just sobbing. He of course comforted you and asked you what's wrong which you told him and he would promise that you will never ever be alone.

Kaoru Hitachiin- Needles. Kaoru of course thought it was silly as him and Hikaru would always prank you by somehow having needles with them. That was their biggest mistake once both twins saw you trembling and sobbing...Kaoru of course comforted you and promised to never to do that again...

Hikaru Hitachiin- Clowns/Dolls. Of course Hikaru laughed cause he thought it was silly so he would of course pull pranks on you by putting on movies having to do with such things or him and Kaoru would somehow have their hands on either or cosplay and it scared you so bad that you screamed and cried but also ignored Hikaru all week.

Hikaru didn't see why it scared you so bad but he hated the fact that you were mad and ignored him so of course he apologized and promised to never do it again...you never let him forget it tho as you can shut him out no matter how bad it hurts...

Takashi Morinozuka- Spiders. Always hated them. Mori actually thought it was pretty adorable when you would squeak and jump on his back for protection. Of course him being your knight in shining armor killed it and saved the day which always rewards him in the sweetest kiss from you...he'll gladly kill anything just to get kisses like that from you.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka- The dark. Always hated it, you always feared seeing things around you so you'd either stay with Honey and sleep with him which he always helps or call him and tell him that you're scared and of course you'd both talk all night long until you fall asleep on call.

Ritsu Kasanoda- Blood/gore. Hated it, made your stomach twist and turn and made you nauseous af. Ritsu of course thought it was a rational fear and would always make you feel better.

Yasuchika Haninozuka- Heights. Chika never understood fears but you've always hated heights fearing just how far everything would be and not to mention the fall. Anytime you got scared about heights, Chika thought you were just being childish until that made you upset and cry...he hated when you cried so he did his best to comfort you.

Umehito Nekozawa- Being alone in the dark. Nothing is worse than being alone in the dark that's why you either had nightlights or slept by Tamaki cause you hated being alone in the dark. Of course you just so happen to be dating the guy who lives in the dark so whenever you got scared you clung to him and not that he minded but you told him and he would always comfort you.

(Me with all lol. Enjoy!)

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