When You Play with His Hair-

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Tamaki Suoh- Oh he absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair. He's literally like a damn puppy. He craves literally ANY kind of affection you give him.

Kyoya Ootori- He doesn't mind when you play with his hair. You mainly do it when you're both studying and you're concentrating very hard. He finds it rather cute really.

Kaoru Hitachiin- Oh he adores it when you play with his hair. You do it pretty much all the damn time and he just melts in your hands.

Hikaru Hitachiin- He's so tsundere that he'll barely let you go near his hair. The only time you ever get to play with it is when he'll ask you for attention and or when you wake up in bed before him.

Takashi Morinozuka- He doesn't mind that you play with his hair. He finds it rather cute really. Whenever you do one of your bad habits, he'll actually move your hands to his hair to focus on that instead of said habit, he's finds it rather relaxing really.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka- Oh he absolutely loves it when you play with his hair. He'll literally beg you for it everyday when you're visiting the host club and or either of you are at each other's places, he just can't get enough of it.

Ritsu Kasanoda- He loves it too really. He's stressed and angry almost all the time so when you play with his hair, it's seriously like a natural stress reliver. TBH, he'll honestly play with your hair too to calm himself down.

Yasuchika Haninozuka- He doesn't much care for it because of how tsundere he is and can be. If you even try to play with his hair, he'll smack your hand away...of course you'll pout at him and beg him to play with his hair which he can't ignore so he lets you.

Umehito Nekozawa- You play with his hair anytime either of you can't sleep. It really helps the both of you relax and fall asleep much faster.

(yay. Enjoy!!)

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