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Tamaki Suoh- Tamaki is a drama queen, there's no doubt about it, but somehow you still love him anyways. He's always jealous because you're friends with the other hosts and the twins love flirting with you just to see what Tamaki would do so normally when he's jealous, he gets clingy, he'll yell at everyone who even dares to look at you and he's touching you in any way possible.

Kyoya Ootori- You think he doesn't get jealous because well...he's the shadow king, but he does infact get crazy jealous, he just doesn't show it. You're Tamaki's bestie meaning many guys flirt with you but you and Kyoya know that you're his and only his but that doesn't stop him from glaring daggers at any guy who dares to look and talk to you.

Kaoru Hitachiin- Kaoru doesn't get jealous much because you both know you're his and only his but because you're friends with the hosts both Hikaru and Tamaki love to flirt and mess with you and that makes him a little insecure but you always remind him that you're his and only his.

Hikaru Hitachiin- He's a tsundere of course he gets jealous but he'll always deny it because's Hikaru...Because you're close with the twins, Kaoru loves to tease and flirt with you which makes Hikaru's blood boil that he'll touch you in any way and leave many marks to show that you're his and only his.

Takashi Morinozuka- He's not one to admit that he's jealous and how you can tell is he's more quiet and clingy. I know...shocker you can tell when the already quiet stoic guy when he's jealous.

Since you work at the host club alongside him, people hit on you constantly but you pay no attention as you only have eyes for Mori and yes, while he does know that; it doesn't mean it doesn't bother him cause it does and because of that he'll stay around you constantly and have a hand on you in some way whether it be holding your hand, putting his hand on you leg or around your waist or shoulder just anywhere that's on you.

When you notice he does get jealous, you can't help but giggle and smile as you kiss him and tell him that you're his and only his and that leaves him a little flustered knowing that you knew he was jealous.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka- He's not one to get jealous and everyone knows not to get on his bad side because well...they won't like what will happen so everyone stays clear away from you and Honey and mainly cause you guys are perfect and no one wants to ruin that.

Ritsu Kasanoda- He's so awkward that he has no idea when he's being jealous. All that he notices is if any guy talks, flirts or looks at you, he gets angry and he doesn't like that and all he does is stay around you and holds you or touches you constantly which makes you smirk and giggle because it's so easy to tell when he's jealous, it's cute tho because he's more awkward but you always remind him that you're his and only his which makes him more awkward and embarrassed 

Yasuchika Haninozuka- He's nothing like his brother and because of that he get crazy jealous because the people he teachers at the dojo tend to flirt with you and that makes him angry and distant with you. But being with him you're not fazed by his outburst of irritation and anger.

It's hard to reason with him when he's angry and jealous so you tend to leave him be until he eventually comes to his senses and comes to apologize which makes you smile and kiss him and reassures that you're his and only his.

Umehito Nekozawa- He's always jealous of how close you are with the other hosts and because he's still not used to the light he'll see you have fun with the others which makes him distant and quiet and you can always tell when he's upset so you always make sure you're his and only his.


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