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C H A P T E R       O N E
MY LIFE FOR HIRE by A Day To Remember

The Avengers Initiative


Honestly; Adrienne would have rather been hanging from the ceiling in her bedroom, than go to work. Dark thoughts, she knew that. But it was only her nerves getting the best
of her since it had been another new day at another new job, so it was Adrienne's nature to deflect. Her uncle had said maybe once or twice that she was a bit dramatic, but what did he know?
To want to do anything else sunk deep into her bones with ache, but Adrienne had to survive somehow. So there was no other option for her. But don't try and kill her for trying to skip out on the day entirely. Adrienne already tried a couple of times before today and failed. But honestly, she didn't truly believe she was trying hard enough.
If Adrienne had something better to do that day, she obviously would have been doing it. Instead, Adrienne Barton was showing up for a job she didn't want, but a job she so clearly needed. She just wished she hadn't been up the entire night with the most annoying and obnoxious nerves, otherwise, she would have been up before her alarm, making herself seem more presentable. Adrienne just appeared as someone who overslept and threw her messy and untamed curls into a ponytail and called it a so-called hairstyle. Truthfully it didn't get much lazier than that. Adrienne's hair hadn't had a deep condition in the last two months because she couldn't afford conditioner- both months and not even the cheapest of conditioners, she had to choose between paying her bills and having certain products. Yes, she could afford soap, but the majority of the time, she would sneak to get more from her mom and dad's house once she ran out. Luckily she still had a key- and guess what else just so happened to be unkempt like her hair? Adrienne's clothes. To put it simply, she couldn't necessarily afford more minutes on the dryer at the laundry mat. That alone gave her enough motivation to head to work. Adrienne's desire to be anywhere else still weighed heavy in the back of her mind. And if anyone desired her to sugarcoat how her life went as a twenty-six-year-old living in New York, then her life was going swimmingly. If it's alright to be herself authentically; Adrienne's life fucking sucked. If struggle was a person, it would be Adrienne, in more ways than one. Complete homelessness could have been a factor because things could have been so much worse, but she was on the cusp of it, and being homeless in New York, would be the worst of it. Sure, she could try and go home, but her parents have a thing about enjoying their happy, peaceful empty nest and they wouldn't want Adrienne to destroy what they had going on. Adrienne understood that too, and it was why she'd rather struggle than go crawling back to their doorstep asking for help. She knew she wasn't going to get it.
Naturally, when Adrienne got there, she took the necessary precautions on her way into the building, trying to fix whatever was wrong with her outfit- because Adrienne knew there was plenty wrong with it but she still wanted to appear as if she cared -and before Adrienne even stopped at the front desk, she realized she was too late. Miss Virginia 'Pepper' Potts was already waiting for her. She probably assumed she was going to arrive late, but really, Adrienne was an entire eight minutes early. Miss Potts took a glance over her outfit and recognized it wasn't appropriate for the job description; like herself, she wore a dress that worked below her knees, with a plain pair of heels while her makeup wasn't over the top. More natural than most, her hair was pulled back in a stylish bun. Navy was her color, and Adrienne would have certainly told her that if Adrienne hadn't been analyzed by her. Which, might she add, sent Adrienne into a small state of anxiety she wished to not have visited on her first day at Stark Industries.
To be clear, even if Tony Stark had been selling weapons, which Adrienne thought he wasn't anymore, Adrienne still would have been working for him proudly considering how much she was getting paid hourly. No way in hell she was going to be picky about what he was doing with his business, Adrienne was there to answer phones, not question anyone's morality. She could care less if Mr. Stark had a conscious or not.
Miss Potts took in Adrienne's black and white striped shirt, which was vertical instead of horizontal- a tactic the twenty-six-year-old often used to make herself appear thinner. Adrienne had to explain that for obvious reasons before anyone thought something different. The first thing employers looked for was someone physically fit. No one could prove Adrienne wrong because she secretly knew the truth- employers wanted to be sure their employees were able to do some running around if the errand called for it. So, Adrienne tried her damnedest to hide as much of her weight as best as she could. So that meant bigger shirts and jeans that could hide her stomach a bit. Pepper Potts was smart though and could see Adrienne was on the heavier side, but that wasn't what she was judging. Adrienne reminded her of Tony Stark with her choice of shoes. It was why she stared, and she didn't have to say anything about it. Adrienne would realize the two shared some similarities once she'd met him. If she ever did. Adrienne also read an article about him two nights ago, and the picture the magazine featured of him had him wearing a band t-shirt and Converses. Adrienne couldn't afford Converses, but she was lucky enough to find a pair of old Vans at a local Goodwill for six dollars. Adrienne figured she was the real winner when she realized she could fit them.
Back to the topic, Miss Potts never viewed anyone by their size, she just wanted to know if Adrienne would be able to handle Tony Stark. Adrienne couldn't read her mind, but she would learn that Miss Potts wasn't as shallow as she looked.
However, she was judging what Adrienne was wearing, black jeans and black and white sneakers. Those scuffed-up Vans. Adrienne shamefully had to let her know two days in advance she couldn't afford appropriate clothing at the moment and promised if she made it through to her first paycheck then she would invest in better clothes. A less fortunate woman like Adrienne had to use what she had, and that outfit alone was one of five outfits that would dress her appropriately. Now that she thought about it, she should have asked for a starting bonus to help her out with that. Too late now. As long as certain body parts were covered, Miss Potts said there wasn't a need to be self-conscious. Adrienne would have loved to believe that, but Miss Potts' smile and her eyes were telling her two different things. Miss Potts' smile told Adrienne there was nothing to worry about, and her eyes told Adrienne she looked like a complete disaster. The last one, Adrienne couldn't help but agree with her wholeheartedly. Adrienne couldn't help but assume she was perfect for the job because she wasn't someone who'd be Tony Stark's type. She'd be right, and she only made the assumption based on Adrienne's appearance. Adrienne's opinion was entirely based on the mere idea that Tony Stark was into women he was able to take advantage of- except Miss Potts -and Adrienne couldn't bother with falling victim to his devious words and advances. In all honestly, Adrienne wouldn't have minded, if Tony Stark wasn't rumored to be a complete womanizer and user.
"Alright, first things first this morning!" Miss Potts reached her arm out to the large man sitting behind the tall desk, and without looking up he handed over a badge, landing directly in the palm of her hand. Bringing Adrienne out of her personal thoughts. "You're going to need this everywhere you go if you're trying to get somewhere in this building."
"Got it." Wrapping the lanyard around Adrienne's hand and balling it into a fist before nodding her head, she was acknowledging how she understood how important it was to never lose her belongings. The moment Miss Potts started walking, Adrienne quickly unwrapped it and pulled it over her head. Adrienne thought about putting it in her purse- which clearly, she forgot to mention she brought it with her- but Adrienne also had to remember it wouldn't have been professional to do that because then she would be showing Miss Potts she didn't care enough to hold onto it for a couple of minutes. If it stayed around Adrienne's neck, then she wouldn't lose it at all.
"It's fairly easy to get around here, especially since each floor is meant for something different. None of that is important for you because you will be on floor seventy-nine. Right outside of Tony's workshop, if I'm being literal." Her explanation was simple, but Adrienne was confused, and that caused her eyebrows to knit together. Adrienne was more than curious about what floors were below her and Miss Potts, and what floors were above because it didn't stop at the seventy-ninth floor. It didn't make sense to stop on an odd number, it was even more abnormal that Tony Stark would choose that floor specifically.
"If his workshop is on the seventy-ninth floor, what's underneath that?" Adrienne thought about holding in her questions until later, but if Adrienne did that then she would forget about it. Making it appear as if she wasn't paying attention at all. She could have written her questions down, but at the moment she was unable to afford a notepad. Adrienne did that regularly, but asking there at the moment was better than not asking at all. Her dad told her that. It was the only useful advice he had for Adrienne these days. For the last few years actually, there wasn't much conversation between the two except for his fussing about getting her life together.
"Stark Industries," Miss Potts answered without any hesitation, and the second she did answer Adrienne's question, the elevator doors finally opened. "Mr. Stark is currently rebranding the company so he's not entirely sure what's to come in the future. But we're positive it would be something beneficial."
"Then should I be down here with everyone else? Giving a helping hand?" Stepping onto the elevator with her, Adrienne had to ask the second she had her back to the wall. It seemed like a decent question.
"Not precisely. You will be taking over for me." Miss Potts smirked before turning her head down to Adrienne, then turned her attention to the numbers that were changing above the doors. What Adrienne hadn't expected was for Miss Potts to turn around and face the wall Adrienne had her back to. "With various and strenuous plans and meetings coming up, I won't be around to help Tony, so I'm hoping you could fill my shoes."
"I honestly don't think I'm qualified to do that." Adrienne couldn't help but be honest, the expression on her features when she admitted that, told Miss Potts Adrienne was the perfect fit, and immediately she noticed how Adrienne began to panic a little bit. Adrienne knew nothing about being a personal assistant, and she had the thought of maybe being Miss Potts' assistant rather than Tony Stark's. That way she could learn from her without issues, but instead she was being thrown to the wolves. That wolf was Tony Stark. Adrienne thought she would do some running around for Miss Potts while she was doing some running around for Tony Stark. The mere thought of dealing with the billionaire in the flesh had Adrienne damn near hyperventilating. And that was exactly why Miss Potts laughed; Adrienne was honest and she liked that. Appreciate it even. It seemed to be like that anyway. So Adrienne turned around to face the wall too.
"I think the opposite." Miss Potts finally gave Adrienne an authentic smile after a minute of silence before hearing the door ding and the elevator stop. Then the doors opened and she stepped out and Adrienne stepped out with her, her right foot before her left, becoming completely terrified at the thought of meeting Iron Man.

I'll MEET YOU AT THE END OF THE LINE • MARVEL AVENGERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora