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Fury had the need to push the narrative for Adrienne; he needed evidence to show her that she was the perfect choice for this team. To sort of help her see the potential herself, and that she wouldn't be the only one having a finger pointed at her for the damage that erupted on the streets of New York. This was no one's fault but Loki's. Adrienne was only helping to protect the citizens of the city and to stop Loki altogether. She wasn't alone in her endeavors, she had six other people down there helping her. Having her back like an actual team.
  Making sure there were cameras on everyone, he wanted a couple of extras watching Adrienne for a specific reason. "Aim three cameras at Adrienne, I need her abilities from all angles."
"Got it sir." There were no questions asked. The task that was asked to be done was just done. Then Hill appeared by him, and she had quite a few questions.
'Why just Adrienne, sir?" Hill approached him from the right and held her hands behind her back.
"Adrienne has this mentality because she doesn't look like everyone else on the Avengers Initiative, then she can't be equal to them. I want to show her that everyone can look different and still bring greatness to this world. She just has to see it for herself." 
"Noted, sir." Hill still didn't understand but she did understand the idea of Adrienne not believing she would be considered a candidate for a team of people who have a history in doing this type of work. Hill could question him and ask why it actually mattered because he wasn't doing it for anyone else. But Fury didn't have to explain why he was taking this path and extra steps to convince a woman this was where she belonged. Believe it or not, Fury was pretty persuasive. If Adrienne wasn't on board now, she would be at the end of the day precisely because she will get a taste of what it feels like to help for the greater good and would want to continue doing it, despite how the world may feel. 

And Fury will be there to embrace her with open arms, not literally of course.

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