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Wrapping his arms around his niece, the confusion he felt when thinking about why Adrienne was in the line of fire knowing how her parents, his brother and sister-in-law, were going to react. Adrienne had to know what this was going to do to her. The world was going to know what she could do, every person she had ever known will know that she kept this other side of her life a secret, and no one will trust her. Clint will always trust her but right now he was more concerned with making sure she was safe, and if she felt confident enough to continue the fight. 
Stark or Fury probably wondered if he was going to make her sit the rest of this mission out, but what kind of supportive uncle would he be if he didn't support Adrienne in what she wanted to do?

  She wanted to finish the fight, and he will help her any way he can.
The Bartons sharing her first mission together, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited for what was to come.

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