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She didn't expect someone so close in age to be so, whiny. Clint didn't really describe Adrienne's personality to Natasha, he only spoke of Adrienne to Natasha to get a better understanding of his niece, sort of searching for advice. Natasha was the closest person he could trust who wasn't his wife, and Natasha honestly didn't have an answer for him. When she got him back and he had the chance to ask, she meant. Natasha was used to not showing enough emotion to have anyone question whether or not she was okay. Adrienne wasn't afraid to emote to the point where she was communicating to anyone who would listen. Not that she was being listened to anyway. Natasha just wasn't used to it so evidently; she grew impatient and annoyed. Everyone else seemed to be trying to ignore her, and everyone kept a leveled head through it all. That was obviously because they knew what they were getting into with this job. Adrienne knew nothing so Natasha really couldn't fault her for that. Natasha asked Fury if throwing Adrienne into their line of work was necessary and Fury seemed to know what he was doing, and he got his answer. 
Natasha didn't really know the extent of Adrienne's abilities, whereas Clint made it out to be as if Adrienne could only do so little, what Natasha witnessed could potentially put Adrienne in some trouble due to her being more dangerous than Natasha originally imagined.

Natasha was on the fence on whether or not she liked Adrienne too, it was too soon to tell if anything good were to come out of Adrienne helping the team find Clint. So far Natasha couldn't form a proper opinion, maybe when Clint was back with the rest of them, then they could all decide what to do with his niece. Right now, Natasha wanted Fury to calm Adrienne down and get her to see the bigger picture because all Adrienne could imagine was all the bad things that were going to happen once the world saw what she could do, what her parents were going to see, say and do. Natasha didn't have a real family for as long as shew could remember, as far as she knew it, families were merely overrated.

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