Somethings gotta give (all time low song prefrence) :)

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( your pov)

I don't even know myself, I wish I could be someone else

You were staring at yourself in the mirror but not really seeing you. You were so out of touch with yourself and your feelings, you didn't know who you were anymore you were so lost. You just wanted to be someone else, so so badly, wanting to be someone who was worthy of someone like Niall, sure he said you were the one he loved, but that didn't mean that you weren't happy with who you were and how you felt, you thought that if you could be someone else you would be better and more confident in who you were, except Niall loved you exactly for who you were, he helped you find yourself.

I'm feeling like a nervous wreck, living on the last pay check

Before you met Liam you were in a bit of a state, you had just been made redundant from your job and you were a nervous wreck, searching for a job, needing to find a source of money so that you could pay the bills. You'd just found a small store that had agreed to let you work for them, being relieved you walked down the street, only to bump into someone and spill their drink in them. You apologised profusely, thinking about how you could pay them back as you literally had no money until you get your pay check. You looked to see who you'd spilt coffee on, only to be met with Liam Payne's amused gaze, he said it was fine, and to make it up to you, if he could take you out for a coffee sometime, you agreed, finally feeling that you were coming out of this bad time.

Someone please come pull me out from the shadow of my doubt
Wake me up, I'm falling...

You were having another nightmare and you knew it, only you didn't know how to escape. The darkness was surrounding you, suffocating you. You struggled to breathe, this was how you felt most days when you doubted yourself in your decisions and actions. This nightmare was all too real and you were desperate to be pulled away from this awful nightmare. You were struggling with the black, trying to find the exit. You felt hands gently shaking you awake. You were finally able to break free, only to have a scream escape your throat, and to have Zayn wrap his arms around you, gently rocking you backwards and forwards, saying soothing words. You calmed down eventually, and just sat there with him stroking your hair. You didn't need to explain yourself, it's always the same nightmare, and Zayn knew, and so was slowly helping you to be confident, these nightmares were becoming less frequent and there was hope. There's always hope.

Pull me out of this sinking town, I'm dying to live

The same thing happened in this town everyday, the little old ladies would gossip about everyone, and you would just listen, wishing for something different. It was a small town and there were no secrets. You were ready to get out of the mundane town, you were dying to live, to experience life and all it had to offer, you wanted to make mistakes and learn from them. You were losing hope though, that was until the whirlwind that is Louis Tomlinson came into your life. This boy alone showed you the things life had to offer and you wanted more, this town was just a dot on the map, non existent and sinking. You wanted an adventure, and that is exactly what Louis Tomlinson brought to you.

Im sinking, you're waiting

The world was passing by in a blur, you had no idea what was going on, only that it felt like you were sinking, a feeling so deep and so strong that it consumed you. The only constant in you life was Harry, he was not only your boyfriend, but your best friend and had been years before you'd started dating. He knew everything about you, and he had stood by you though thick and thin. He was very patient with you and always waits until you're ready to talk to him about it. He listens and helps and he doesn't judge. He loved you no matter what, and that's all he cared about.

Some are a little sensitive, I'm always here to listen if you need me :)

Sorry about the different length for them as well

I felt like giving you a longish one since my exams are now finally over, yaaaaaay!! :D

Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

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