You get jealous of a pretty fan/ girl :)

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You were scrolling through some of the fans pages as you wanted to follow a few to show you appreciated the things they did for the boys when you came across a page in which the girl had met and took a picture with Niall. In all honesty she was stunning, with her long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. You went to the mirror and compared yourself to her. You were too busy examining yourself to notice that Niall had come in and was standing behind you, until he wrapped his arms around you and said

"My beautiful girl, what on earth are you doing? There is no need to compare yourself with her because you will win hands down. There is no competition, it will always be you and I wish you could see that. I love you with all my heart and nothing is ever going to change that"

This caused you to smile and turn around in his arms. You looked up into his eyes and have him a soft kiss smiling.


You had joined Liam and the boys on tour for a few dates and he wanted you to come out with him to say hi to some of the fans. You happily agreed because you loved meeting the fans. You had gone outside and were talking to fans, when a gorgeous girl had asked for a photo with Liam and if you wouldn't mind taking it. You didn't mind, though inside you were breaking slightly, it was as though reality hit you like a ton of bricks. You were dating Liam Payne, 1/5 of one direction. He should be dating some famous model, yet he was dating an ordinary girl. Liam being the attentive boyfriend he was, saw the flash of pain and hurt and decided that you two should go in. Once inside your room he turned you around to face him and asked what was bothering you. You explained and he just smiled at you, the went on to say

" Darling, no one could be more beautiful than you and you are by no means ordinary. You my dear are most definitely extraordinary as you love this goofball who doesn't deserve you"

You looked up at him and gave him a tender kiss, then a fierce hug. He was just perfect and he was all yours.


You were doing the weekly grocery shopping when you came across a magazine with Zayn on the front with another celebrity. You remembered that you weren't able to go to the event so Zayn went alone. You weren't angry or jealous that Zayn was talking to another celebrity even if it was a beautiful woman, it just made you reevaluate what you were wearing and how you looked. You brought the magazine and went home. You were putting away the shopping when Zayn walked in and saw the magazine on the worktop. Zayn looked at you confused, you just shrugged and said you had wanted to read other articles in the magazine, yet he wasn't fooled. He knew you better than anyone and he knew something was wrong. He walked over and snaked his arms around your torso and whispered in your ear

"(Y/n), you are the prettiest person I know. Those celebrities are just glitz and glamour. They have plastic surgeons on speed dial. Half of them don't even have their original nose. Yet you my perfect girl are just that perfect. You don't need makeup and you don't need to change. You are beautiful and that's all that matters, so hun please don't change as I love you like this."

His mini speech made you eyes tear up and made you out down the things you had in your hands and turn around and give him a passionate kiss, showing that you understand and appreciate everything he said.


You were at a restaurant with Louis when a waitress came over and asked you what you'd like to drink, only then realising she was serving Louis Tomlinson. This made her whole demeanour change, yes she was beautiful and she knew it too and so she used it to the fullest extent. She twirled her hair and batted her long eyelashes, ignoring you completely. When she returned, Louis noticed that you tensed up but let it go until she had left. Once she was gone he asked you what was wrong, you naturally said you were fine and that nothing was wrong. He then realised what had your pants in a twist. He looked you straight in the eyes and said

" babe, she's nothing compared to you. What's there to look at when I have the most beautiful girl sitting right in front of me? Love, you're my one and only, and no one else could ever compare"

You smiled widely, about to say something when the stupid waitress came back, so you squeezed his hand gently, telling him thank you and that you appreciate it.


You and Harry were walking through a department store when a stunning sales assistant walked over to you both and asked if she could help at all. Harry answered with a polite no thank you, but you couldn't help but look at her as she walked away, he long limbs making her look so graceful as though she was a ballerina. Harry noticed you were staring and snapped his fingers in front of your face. You looked at him and forced a smile. He grasped your hands and told you

"(Y/n), love, I need you to stop worrying about other girls. You are it I'm afraid and no one will replace you. You my beautiful pixie are just breathtaking. Every time I see you, my heart stops and I can't breath. Your smile makes my heart melt and your laugh, your laugh could turn any bad day around. You make my life worth living so, please stop comparing yourself with other because you will always win"

This beautiful short monologue had you short if breath and your heart fluttering in your chest. You not being one for much PDA pulled Harry in and kissed him right smack dab on the lips with no hesitation, smiling into the kiss.


Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

One Direction prefrences and imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon