You meet the other boys :)

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Niall had invited you out to dinner to meet the boys. You were a nervous wreck but Niall had put your nerves at rest when he told you that the boys would love you. When you'd both arrived the boys greeted you and they'd asked you questions as to how you two had met and what you like to do etc. The night went really well, you got along really well with the guys and Niall had told you later on that when you went to the bathroom, they'd told him that they really liked you, this made you feel great and you left happy and relieved.


The boys had invited you and Liam over to hang out as they wanted to meet Liam's new girl. You were panicking about what you should wear, Liam just laughed and said "wear whatever you want hun it's up to you and the boys won't care." You frowned and decided on a nice pair of jeans and a jumper as it was cold out. When you arrived at Louis place you began to become even more nervous, but you felt right at home when Louis opened the door and pulled you into a massive hug. The day went on fantastically and the boys loved you.


Zayn had invited the boys over to meet you and you were running round to make sure everything was perfect, you didn't want to look bad in front of them. Zayn was just laughing at you, he clearly didn't understand that this was extremely important to you as you wanted to impress his best friends, and show them that you were worthy of zayn's love. Your were just about tearing your hair out, when arms encircled your waist and head him whisper in your ear, that the boys will love you because you make him happy. This brought a smile to your face and you turned around to kiss him. The kiss lasted longer than expected and was rudely interrupted by someone coughing loudly, resulting in you two pulling away and blushing madly. The boys loved you after that night, Louis from then on always teased you mercilessly.


The boys were already over at Louis flat when you arrived. You were so nervous that your palms were sweating and you were feeling a bit light headed. You wanted, no needed to impress the boys because they meant the world to Louis and you couldn't make him choose between you and the boys. You looked down at your outfit once more before ringing the door bell. The door opened revealing a happy Louis, making you smile. He invited you in and introduced you to the boys. They were really kind and you fitted in perfectly with them, it was like you'd been friends for years.


You and Harry had decided to cook the boys a dinner, hoping it would be a nice atmosphere for the boys to get to know you. You and Harry were doing pasta, as lame as it sounded, it was smelling delicious. Though having Harry in the kitchen was extremely distracting because he'd come up behind you while you were stirring the pasta and pinch your bum, making you turn around a smack him on the shoulder. He'd laugh and kiss you. By the time the boys arrived you were both flushed and red. The evening went amazingly and everyone loved the pasta and you.


So hi guys, this was really bad and that some were longer than others, so I'm sorry!

I love you for reading this far.

Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

One Direction prefrences and imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя