Your first date :)

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He'd taken you out to a lovely restaurant, not too fancy but not too cheap either. He really made an effort. Your table was in a corner so you had a bit more privacy from onlookers. You asked each other question like 'what's your favourite colour?' And 'favourite movie' things like that to get to know each other a bit better. The food was amazing and the people were even better. When the night came to an end he walked you to your doorstep to make sure you were safe and kissed you on the cheek. It was the perfect night!


He had lain out a picnic blanket out under the stars. It was literally the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you that it brought tears to your eyes. And of course Liam being the worrier he is asked if you didn't like it. You told him you loved it. The night was spent lain out under the stars, with Liam pointing out all the constellations in the night sky while you just listened and enjoyed every second of it.


Zayn had decided to take you to an aquarium because you loved sea life and he thought the bright and beautiful colours would help inspire his art. As you walked around you got to know each other better, finding that you both had quite a lot in common, like you liked art and loved drawing, however your heart was set on becoming a marine biologist and drawing was just a hobby of yours. The date went swimmingly (a/n: that pun was intended :D) and you both left with smiles on your face.


Louis had taken you out to another fun fair, except this one was at night so all the pretty lights were on and everything seemed magical. The night was coming to an end and so he took you on the Ferris wheel, only to have it stop working while you were at the top. You both took this time to get to know each other. You were both very similar in personality which made you like each other even more. The Ferris wheel was fixed and the night was a success.


Harry had decided to take you out bowling as it gave you time to get to know each other as well as having a little friendly competition to see who was better. You'd ordered food during the game and ate while talking and bowling. As the game was coming to an end you realised it was going to be a close match, it was Harry's turn however he bowled the ball into the gutter on both of his goes, leaving you to win the game. You of course knew he threw the game but he did it to make you feel better. He really was the perfect gentleman and the date was perfect.


A/n - sorry guys, this was really crappy :/

Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

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