How you first meet :)

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You were at a music store looking through some CDs that you didn't have at home when someone startled you, causing you to drop the CDs you were holding. You both bent down to pick them up. Once all the CDs were gathered up, the stranger handed you them back. You refused to look up as you were embarrassed until you heard an extremely sexy Irish accent.

"So you like one direction?" As one of the CDs he collected happened to be their take me home album.

"Yeah, they're fantastic" you replied.

You finally looked up to be met with gorgeous, yet amused blue eyes, belonging to the one and only Niall Horan. This only furthered your embarrassment.

"So have you got a pretty name to go with your pretty face? He asked.

"(Y/n)" you replied slightly stunned.

"What a beautiful name, I would love to get to know you more, especially your music taste, would you like to get coffee with me later?" He asked you.

Shocked you could only nod your head. Once your phone numbers had been exchanged, he said he had to go but that he'd call you. You smiled and said okay. On his way out, he turned to you grinning and said " I've heard that album is awesome"

Making you laugh and turn back to the CDs.


You were walking down the street when you noticed a quaint little vintage shop and decided to have a look around as your sisters birthday was coming up and she loved things like this. Whilst in the shop you found a lovely little purse and a cute pair of earrings which she'd love. After paying for your purchases you walked outside only to be knocked down flat on your bum by a runner. You were a little stunned so you sat there for a while, until your realised there was someone who was repeatedly apologising for knocking you over. You got up saying you were fine, only then looking up to see who'd knocked you over. It was the one and only Liam Payne, who was looking at you in concern. You repeated that you were okay but he wasn't so sure so he asked if he could take you out to show how sorry he was. You answered"Yeah sure".

He grinned and you guys exchanged phone numbers. He then carried on running, stopping once to turn around and shout

"I don't even know your name"

To which you shouted back -


He grinned and turned around and carried on with his run. Now not only did you get your sister a cute birthday present, but you also got to see the handsome Liam Payne, making this the best day in history.


You were being dragged along the street by your little brother who was desperately trying to get to the art shop before they ran out of the paint that he needed for his art project for school. Seeing as he was so anxious he ran off ahead to try and get it, with your trailing behind him. When you finally reached the art shop, you found your brother trying hard to get the guy who was holding the last of the paint he needed to give it to him. You walked over to them and said hi. The guy, who was wearing dark sunglasses indoors, which was extremely weird inclined his head towards you. You noticed his tense jaw relax slightly and the corners of his mouth twitched up. You taking this as a good thing, explained your brothers situation to him, finally getting him to hand over the paint to your brother who was over the moon, thanked him profusely before going to the counter to pay for it. The guy finally took off his sunglasses to reveal it was the Zayn Malik of one direction. He smiled at you and said

" your brother shouldn't be thanking me, instead he should be thanking you because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have given him the paint."

You thanked him again and turned to leave until he grabbed your wrist gently and turned you around.

"I was hoping for your name and number before you left because I'd love to see you again" he asked while smiling a genuine and gorgeous smile.

You grinned and nodded. After exchanging names and numbers you bid your farewells and you left with the biggest grin on your face.


You were at a funfair with your friend and her boyfriend. You felt like a third wheel, especially when they decided to go in the "tunnel of love" leaving you all alone while waiting for them to return. You sat on a bench near the exit while looking around you, people watching. You loved fun fairs but this day was becoming less enjoyable by the second. Your friend had invited you along as you had nothing better to do that day, along with the fact that you loved them. After a while someone else sat on the bench, with you still looking around you, you didn't notice who had sat beside you, even when you started talking to each other. After a while he asked

"Are you ever going to look at who your talking too?"

After tearing your gaze of a couple who were sharing candy floss with each other, you looked at who was sat beside you. After taking in his tousled hair and chiseled face, all the way down to the TOMs that adorned his feet. This image finally clicked in your head, you had been talking to the Louis Tomlinson, all you thoughts had gone out the window leaving you speechless. This clearly amused him as he said

"Wow this is the only time since I've started talking to you that I think that you actually haven't talked."

Recovering you shook your head slightly before replying

"Maybe it was the fact that I realised you were real and that I hadn't made you up that shocked me"

That made him laugh, making you smile.

"I'm (y/n)" you introduced yourself.

"And I'm louis" he replied.

" I knew who you were" you answered.

"Then why didn't you say so?" He retorted.

"Well I wanted to make you feel like you were contributing somehow" you replied, while smirking.

He stuck his tongue out while giving you a playful glare, to which you happily grinned back at him. A few seconds passed before he asked if he could have your number, so that you could do this again. You agreed and swapped numbers, before he said he had to go as his sisters were done in the arcade section. Once he left, you had a huge smile plastered on your face, which only grew wider when your friend came out. She mouthed "tell me later" to which you nodded while still smiling.


You were at a fashion show to show your sister support as she was a model and was taking part in it. Once the doors opened, you found yourself situated next to a guy, but you were to excited to notice who it was until he spoke to you. You turned to face him as he spoke so you could listen properly, to be met with the charming face of Harry Styles. He introduced himself and asked you why you were here, to which you replied that your sister was a model and you were here for sisterly support. He grinned and you turned slightly to see the cat walk before he cheekily replied

"Are you sure your not meant to be on the runway as well?"

You just shook your head and smiled.

"No, not me, it's my sisters passion, I would never take that away from her and besides, I'm not one for walking down a runway especially with everyone watching me, because knowing me I'd trip and make a fool out of myself."

"That is very noble of you" he answered.

You just smiled and thanked him. The lights had dimmed and the spot lights intensified. The room was quieting down, but not before Harry asked for your number so that he could take you out some time. It turned out that fashion show was great in many ways. Your sister rocked it and you got a date. The day couldn't get any better.


A/n - so how was it? Was it okay?


Stay beautiful, stay you!

Love you forever and always!

Kate xx

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