Violet's Chaotic Relationship

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"You can't do that! You can't charge us for this!!" My high-pitched shrill startled the attendant as the plane we were supposed to be on backed out of the gate. "It's your slow-ass security that's the problem, not me. It shouldn't take two fucking hours..."

"Ma'am, you will have to speak with customer service about this. Their desk is..."

"I don't give a fuck where their desk is! This airport sucks! Es una mierda!" My fist slammed against the counter causing her to flinch. She's lucky it was there, because I wanted to punch her in the face, but had learned some self-control over the years.

My boyfriend, Jason, heaved a sigh and touched my arm, his milky fingers a sharp contrast to my caramel-colored skin. "C'mon, Violet, it's not worth fighting." He kept an even tone, irritated yet calm. "Let's get another ticket, the plane's already gone. You can write them a complaint later."

I glared in his direction, then back at the woman, shoving her clipboard and sending all her papers flying to the floor. "Have fun picking those up," I sneered, now satisfied with having made her as miserable as she'd made me.

As we walked away, Jason didn't allow me to relish in the taste of revenge, instead deciding to reprimand me. "I should pull your panties down and spank you right here in front of everyone."

"Don't even think about it," I warned, trying to brush him off. We'd had a rough few months and our attempt to repair the relationship with a "relaxing weekend away" had been a disaster. Nothing had been solved, only more disagreements and headaches. I'd prevented myself from exploding on him so far, but if he kept pushing, this would be the last straw.

"Didn't I tell you we would be late? To get up earlier, to stop messing around and hurry? And you didn't listen, just argued with me that it'd be fine. And now you're acting like you've done nothing wrong and..."

I stopped in the middle of the walkway and folded my arms. "Are we gonna do this right here??"

"Yesterday you promised to accept punishments again as long as I give you a warning, and today I've warned you multiple times..."

"I didn't agree that you could spank me in a fucking airport."

Our eyes locked in uneasy silence, neither ready to back down. Submission was tough for me in general, even with my first spanker, Gabe, who was actually able to tame me a bit (unlike anyone else who'd tried). Jason and I had a good run during the first couple of years in our "domestic discipline" relationship, but lately, I couldn't convince myself that he was worth all the drama. Was it time to call it quits?

"If you'd stop arguing about everything..."

I threw my hands in the air. "Sure, blame it all on me like you always do. It's my fault, everything's ALWAYS my fault."

"I didn't say..."

"You know what, fuck off," I spat and turned to continue walking, but Jason snatched up my wrist and tugged me towards him. "Let me go." I tried to twist myself from his grip, half-ignoring the voice in my head screaming that it's fucked up to break my promise to him. My adrenaline was triggered, though, which made it more challenging for me to give up control. Instead, it gave me the urge to swing my backpack at Jason to break his hold on me and sprint away. Maybe I could run out of the airport, back to our crappy cheap motel and stay there, and never have to deal with any of those fuckers in NYC again. "Jason... let go."

He kept a stoic look as he dragged me along in silence, reaching the family restroom. The door swung open, and he thrust me inside. He tossed our backpacks under the sink, locked the door and reached for my upper arm.

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