Chapter 14

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Two weeks later I was out of the hospital, thank God. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate hospitals? The doctors made me wear a halter monitor and oxygen.

"I hate this" I said, sitting down at the kitchen table.

Peter gave me a sympathetic look as he grabbed my pills from the medicine cabinet, and a water bottle.

"I know, but its only temporary" he explained, setting the pills and water down in front of me.

I rolled my eyes as I took the pills and drank the water.

"Who's taking me to school today?" I asked.

As if wearing this stupid monitor and oxygen was enough, I had to return to school since I couldn't afford to miss anymore.
"The twins" Peter replied.

I nodded as I rested my elbow on the table and my cheek in my fist.

"Come on, try and look lively for school" Peter explained.

I scoffed.
"Why? What's so great about it that I should be looking like I'm enjoying myself?"

Peter sighed.
"Nothing, but just cheer up soon, you get to see the girls"

"The girls visited me at the hospital several times" I replied.

Peter sighed.

"Well, just be happy to be out of the hospital" he concluded.

I gave him a fake smile before getting up from the table.
"Okay, let's get this train wreck going... where are the boys?"
"Nick is loading up the bags and Noah is doing his laps, I'm off to school. See you all after?"

I nodded as Peter grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder and kissing the top of my head.
"Bye" he said.

I gave a small wave as Peter headed out the door. A few moments later I was greeted by Nick.
"Okay, bags are all packed. Time to get this show on the road" he explained.

I groaned as I stood up and grabbed the handle of the oxygen tank. Rolling the tank behind me I walked to the front entrance where I got on my winter boots and jacket. It was early February and still freezing out, another force that was working against me.

"Noah! Time to go!" Nick yelled as we walked across the snow covered ground.

Noah jogged towards us as we made it to the car. Noah opened the door for me as I got into the back and the boys hopped in the front.

"Turn the heat up!" I exclaimed.

The boys nodded as Noah cranked the heat and Nick pulled out of the driveway.

"Greendale here we come!" Nick exclaimed.
"God have mercy on my soul" I added.

The boys burst out laughing.

It was nearing 1PM, meaning I was more than halfway through my first day of school. Dallas had been such a sweetheart, carrying my bag for me throughout the day, just as he had been in the hospital. He came to visit me every day and stayed until the staff practically kicked him out.

I was currently walking down the hall, oxygen tank in tow with Dallas beside me, my backpack in his hand.
"Hey Franco!" a voice called.

Dallas and I turned to see Max.

"Baum" Dallas spat.

"Where've you been the past few weeks?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes.
"You didn't hear I've been in the hospital Baum?"

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