He was used to being lonely, and what seemed to be the case (at least for him), the man liked it that way.

But that could all be untrue. For all he knew, he could be wallowing in complete misery!

Danny groaned. Oh, what was he thinking? The man didn't have any feelings! The only thing he knew was revenge and ignorance of all the people around him who tried to help, except, he only pushed them back. He was the one doing this to himself, so how would he know about being compassionate or forgiving? He had met him in all of his possible timelines during his visit to Clockwork's lair, and he had stayed the same, sometimes even worse, no matter what. It was hopeless!

However, there was one thing that stopped him from reaching a final conclusion, and it was meeting the Vlad from the timeline where Danny's dark future lay. It was Vlad all right, but what he said there made him believe he wasn't talking to the same person. Especially that look on his face...

He really regretted going to Clockwork how. Heck, he regretted cheating on that stupid test in the first place! Even when the timeline doesn't exist anymore, it was still there to serve as a reminder of what could've happened if he hadn't been able to stop that ghost in time.

Danny felt conflicted at the moment. Why was he thinking about this now? He was feeling guilty for no reason, and it was all Vlad's fault. He could be scheming something evil again against his father and yet here he was, feeling empathetic for his enemy.

"It always seems like it's his fault, even when he's not here," the halfa muttered, digging his shoe down a hole of dry snow. When he looked up, he was surprised to see that the park that had been empty before, was now filled with families and children running around and playing with each other. How did he manage to block out the noises of the joyful people yelling and singing?

One boy in particular ran up to Danny excitedly, holding out his hand with something small hanging from his fingertips.

"Do you know what this is?" the little boy asked, with an innocent smile on his face. Danny leaned a bit towards his hand, taking a closer look. It was a white dove.

"That's a pretty dove you have there," Danny commented, crouching down to meet the same eye level as the little kid. The boy giggled, bobbing his head with the little pompom on his hat in sync.

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p'. "But do you know what it represents?"

The halfa thought for a minute. "To be honest, I don't know..." Danny had never been interested in tree ornaments or it's symbolism (that was more of Lancer's thing). But he was now intrigued to find out why the boy was smiling and cradling the toy like a precious gem.

"Mommy told me that they are symbols of goodness, and a start to a new beginning or friendship," he stated, proud for remembering the fact.

"Did you memorize that?" Danny grinned, also surprised at the young boy's enthusiasm. He definitely didn't know that, and he couldn't tell if it was because the kid was enthusiastic about ornaments or he was just uncultured and everybody knew that.

"Yes!" before he could realize what was happening, the happy stranger placed the two doves in his hand, and Danny just noticed there was a basket full of them hanging from the boy's arm. "It's yours now."

"Why two?" the halfa asked as the little boy giggled.

"For another person, silly. You're supposed to keep one for yourself and the other for the person you want to share it with."

"Oh..." even after the boy had scurried off, Danny found himself still staring at the white doves in his hand. With something on his mind, he tucked them securely in the pocket of his jacket so he wouldn't lose it on the way back.

DannyMay Oneshots (2020)Where stories live. Discover now