Flickering Yellow and Green

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Eyes | After a ghost encounter, Danny discovers that he can't see clearly during class, and now has to find someone who can solve this problem. 

A/N: So it's my first time doing the DannyMay event and I'm pretty excited! I guess the good thing about staying home during online school is that I have more time to write and draw :') Anyways, here's something I enjoyed writing!


Danny groggily rubbed his eyes, forcing himself not to fall asleep in Mr. Lancer's class; he would surely kill him if he did! The boy looked over to his two best friends who also seemed to be bored out of their minds and not paying attention to the lesson being taught, but then again, Mr. Lancer's lessons were always filled with boredom and unnecessary work. Even the nerds thought so, and they were the ones who always asked for extra homework in his other classes!

"He freaking needs to sound more enthusiastic in class if he wants people to pay attention to him," the half-ghost mumbled to himself as he heard his female friend chuckle, and luckily, the teacher hadn't noticed. Mr. Lancer was too busy eyeing the jocks who secretly exchanged paper balls at each other and thought his class was a football stadium.

"Hey dude," Tucker whispered to his friend. "You think you could help me with this game?" he asked.

"Sorry pal, you're on your own," Danny whispered back before yawning quietly. "Plus, I need to catch up on some beauty sleep."

The technogeek rolled his eyes but didn't comment further and went back on his PDA. Meanwhile, Danny took this as a chance to take a short, well-deserved nap.

The timing was perfect; he sat in the back row, and Mr. Lancer was too focused on teaching and watching over the misbehaving jocks to pay attention to everyone else.

The boy leaned into his chair and gently placed his head on his desk. He used his purple backpack as a pillow and the heavy book they had been reading for literature as a guard. He also knew his two friends would wake him up if Mr. Lancer grew suspicious.

Or not.

"Mr. Fenton!" the teacher's voice boomed, waking the poor boy from his slumber as he frantically pushed his backpack away.

"Yes, Mr. Lancer, sir!" he squeaked, finally opening the book to the correct page as the bald man in the front of the classroom eyed him with a suspecting look on his face.

"Would you like to read what's on the board for us?" he asked, crossing his arms as Danny hesitantly nodded. He really didn't want to read to anyone, let alone the whole class. But what choice did he have right now? It was either that or get sent to detention. And he doubted his parents would like receiving another call that their son was sleeping in class.

The boy stared blankly at the board and was taken aback at first. He rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe that he couldn't see; anything! Everything was blurry and miswritten, and he tried squinting his eyes to read at least what the first two sentences said. But for some reason, he couldn't read the scribbled words.

Danny got up, hoping to see better while Mr. Lancer raised a questioning eyebrow. 'Well, that's new,' he thought. He was sure that Danny could read and see well since he'd called on him multiple times in the past when the boy wasn't paying attention. Yet, he couldn't do it now. The struggle on his face was all the proof he needed. But whatever the problem was, he wasn't having any of it.

"Maybe you should sit in the front," the teacher suggested, walking over to the vacant seat right in front of his desk. Danny tried to mask his horrified face by nervously smiling.

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