Blank Situation

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Stuck | What happens when Danny gets sucked into the Fenton Thermos again, but this time, there's company?


"It's empty today," Tucker commented, looking around the park. The trio had decided to go on night patrol considering it was a Saturday and they didn't feel like going to bed early. They thought of keeping themselves occupied till they felt tired enough to sleep and were going to have a sleepover at Sam's house.

However, the horror movie they watched had surely been terrifying, and they regretted watching it at night. But they didn't know it would scare them so easily! They fought ghosts on a daily basis and had come across dangerous ones, so it didn't seem like one movie would do damage.

"Yeah... I don't like it," Danny said, staring wearily at a rusting bush. But what jumped out of it only turned out to be a wild rabbit, scavenging for food. He shook his head, feeling himself get paranoid.

Jazz had also joined and she was assigned to a different part of the neighborhood so Danny was confused when he saw her running towards them. With the Fenton thermos on her hand, she grinned and finally reached the trio, panting a little.

"Did you get into a ghost fight?" Danny asked nervously, still not keen on the idea of letting his sister hunt ghosts alone. But she had insisted and kept telling him that she could defend herself that he had to reluctantly agree. Still, he made sure to send her to a place where ghosts barely showed up, just to be safe.

"I did! And you won't believe who it is," Jazz smiled proudly at herself and Danny fought the urge to curse. Maybe he shouldn't have given her that spot, but how was he supposed to know ghosts would show up there? None bothered to float around the city hall, mainly because Vlad was there. And although Danny hated to admit it, the man was powerful. He held a good reputation in the ghost zone and no one dared to set foot near his house, except for Skulker and a few of his assistants. That was why there weren't any ghosts at Wisconsin, despite him having a ghost portal.

While Danny was busy with his own thoughts, Jazz noted the worried expression on his brother's face and rolled her eyes. "Danny, I'm fine and capable of hunting with you guys. I even proved it to you guys now," she said, shaking the cylindrical container.

"Not that I care who you catch, but who was it?" Sam asked, a bit curious.

The 16-year-old girl grinned. "Vlad Masters."

"What?!" the trio yelled in unison, eyes as wide as saucers.

"Shh, keep your voices down," she shushed them, looking around the park uneasily. Even though it was late at night and she didn't think anybody would take a midnight stroll, one can never be too careful.

"Jazz, are you serious?" the half-ghost asked, hoping his sister was joking. But she continued to stare at him with a proud and serious look that made mentally scream. 'Shit.'

"Why did you do it?" Tucker whispered and Sam interrupted. "Was he terrorizing someone again?"

"No, he was making some sort of sketchy deal with a bunch of ghosts so I eavesdropped. But he noticed me, and I kinda panicked. Since he was in his ghost form, the Fenton thermos sucked him in easily," Jazz explained and Danny groaned.

"Plasmius is so gonna hate me for this, he'll think I sent you on purpose to listen and capture him," Danny sighed. He already had a complicated relationship with Vlad, and he knew this would make things 10x worse.

"Jazz, do you realize what you've done?" Tucker looked at her with uncertainty. "When Vlad gets out, he won't be happy."

"Tucker's right," the half-ghost continued. "We trap ghosts in here so that we let them out in the ghost zone. However, there's no point in trapping Vlad, it's not like we can also drop him off there. And besides, he didn't give us a good reason to strike, yet. He's been surprisingly minding his business for a while now. Mayoral stuff has been keeping him busy and I got to admit, he's not half bad at his job, for now. I'm still not happy with the previous rules he set on us last time, but as long as he continues to mind his own business and stay away from us, there isn't really a good reason to trap him."

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