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Jungkook was in class the boys' seat was right next to the window in the back of the class where he could wander off to dreamland or in his thoughts whenever he wanted to.

And that's exactly what the raven head was doing, thinking about his behaviour with the boys, especially with hoseok.
He couldn't believe he actually did that; pulling the oldest hair and kissing him! He acted quite rudely in his opinion.

He completely forgot the meaning of a slap in the other realm and it just ticked him off.

The boy pulled his hair and banged his head on his desk and groaned loudly in frustration, not realizing the whole class was looking at him.

He laughed awkwardly and bowed to his teacher in a way of saying sorry and sat back down on his chair and decided to take a nap.

"Jk!" Jungkooks friend yelled as he shakes the boy back to reality.

The raven head groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Class has ended and we don't have practice today what are you still doing here?" His friend asked as he got up and started packing his backpack.

"Have you decided to live in school?" His friend joked

"Haha, very funny" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna head home and you can leave too or else find a comfortable place to sleep" his friend poked his tongue at Jungkook.

The raven head got up and chased after his friend who was running away laughing at his own joke.

His friend was running as he jumped off a couple of stairs not looking behind him, Jungkook was high on adrenaline not realizing he was getting closer to the stairs the boy stumbled and rolled down the stairs landing into a black hole that appeared as soon as he missed his step.

As it was waiting for the boy to fall.

Jungkook opened his eyes only to find himself in a fountain his uniform and bag both wet.

"Oh, my Jungkook" the boy heard and turned around to find his godfather looking down at him.

"Hi" he groaned as he took the extended hand of his godfather and got out of the fountain.

"How are you?" The man asked as he wiped the boy's face with his sleeve.

"I'm ok" Jungkook sighed as he let his godfather baby him.

"I heard about the incident," his godfather said softly as he finished wiping the boys' face.

Jungkooks head fell as he felt ashamed he had harmed a prince.

"It's not your fault" he continued

"It was" Jungkook retorted

"No" the man chuckled

"How?" Jungkook asked confused as they both made their way inside the castle.

"That was the king inside of you that jumped out"

"What?" Jungkook was confused

"What I mean is, it wasn't you who hit Hoseok but king Jungkook did"

"I still don't understand, it's still me?"

"Yes" his godfather chuckled "but not entirely, You don't condemn to violence and you respect your seniors but the king inside of you is the opposite for him his on top of everyone  and  he is angered easily and he would  gladly resolve his problems with violence"

"So you mean I have a double personality?"

"Yes, only in this world though, because you were born as jeon jungkook in the other realm and when I met your mother I gave you your necklace that in time gave you king jeon jungkook"

"I'm sorry what?"  The boy sat down on his bed now changed in clean and warm clothes.

"Your father was born here so he was already prince/king but you are different you are half from the other realm because your mother is not from this world so that created two of you in a way and with the help of the necklace prince jeon jungkook was able to live within you in the other realm"

"Oh" Jungkook answered

"Now don't beat yourself to what happened it was hoseoks fault, to begin with, he angered the king"

"But I was perfectly fine when Taehyung and I had our quarrel on the first day."

"That's because when you held the sword it awoken the sleeping king and now he's awake."

"Oh, so now I'm going to be switching?" The boy questioned slightly scared

"Only here don't worry, nothing will happen in the other realm, I'll inform the boys about the awakening of the king so they will be more cautious" His godfather smiled.

"I would like to see Hoseok please I need to apologize," Jungkook said as he played with the cuff of his sleeve.

"Sure," the man said and left the room soon enough Hoseok was knocking on the door before entering.

"Hey Jungkook," the boy said smiling though it didn't last long.

Jungkooks face was full of gilt "hey kookie"The boy tried using the boys' newfound nickname.

Jungkook looked at Hoseok with teary eyes.

Hoseok smiled softly before making his way right in front of Jungkook who was sat on the end of the bed looking down.

Hoseok held the boys chin slightly forcing the boy to look up.

Hoseok bent down a little placing his left hand on the bed to support himself they were inches away from each other their breaths were entangled.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook whispered as he stared into the boys loving chocolate brown eyes.

"I forgive you" Hoseok whispered back not wanting to ruin the moment by speaking loudly.

A small smile crept to jungkooks lips

showing his bunny smile, made it hard for Hoseok to resist so he closed the small gap between them by placing his soft red lips onto the raven heads plum pinkish ones.

Jungkook was surprised but still gave in by placing his hands around hoseoks nape and pulling him closer.

Hoseoks stumbled forward now instead of his hand his elbow was prompt on the bed to keep him steady.

"Oh my lord," a voice said making Hoseok pull away from jungkooks addicting lips.

They both turned toward the voice only to find the rest of the boys.

Jungkooks cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

"Oh don't be shy now," Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes.

Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi walked into the room and Hoseok let go of Jungkook.

"I think you guys know about king Jungkook so I prefer you guys slapping me now while I'm still calm and know the meaning instead of surprising me like someone" as he said that his eyes turned to Hoseok who played with his hair as he laughed awkwardly.

"Gladly cuz I'm dying to do what Hoseok just did, "Yoongi said as he landed a soft slap on the boys' cheek, followed by Namjoon and Jin.

Jin slapped slightly and bent down to kiss the boy's cheek since he thought it would be stinging now since he got slapped three times.

Yoongi then pushed Jin out of the way and the boys' reaction was just an eye roll he knew how eager Yoongi could be at times.

Yoongi pushed Jungkook on the bed and climb on top of the boy not caring that the others were watching and bent down closer.

Jungkook was in shock registering everything a second later.

The raven head came back to his sense when he felt soft lips on his own.

Yoongi pulled away after a long-lasting peck on the stunned boys' lips.


Finally, he is properly engaged to all of them yayyy 😂 I really don't know where I'm going with this story I'm just really going chapter by chapter hope you guys like it. 

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