It's been a while

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Surprise, I'm actually alive!

It's a shocker, considering I haven't updated this in years, or come on to Wattpad for years too.

I'd say some reasons for that were life, falling out of touch with this fandom, and age. I'm older than I used to be, and as such, lost contact with some things I enjoyed in the past.

However, I recently stumbled down memory lane and remembered the little fanfic I poured my heart and soul into all those years ago. I decided that if I had started it, then I damn better finish it. Besides, old loves have a habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it!

But, I would want to do a complete overhaul of every chapter if I were to really finish this.

My writing style has changed, and in my humble opinion, I've improved over the years and would want to fix what I wrote in the past as to not make the change in styles so jarring.

It would mean that the whole story takes longer to complete, but with a gain of improved writing.

If people really want me to leave the earlier chapters as they are though, then I will.

I'd like to hear people's opinions on the matter if possible, but I'm unsure if people even notice this update haha! The price to pay for excessive inactivity!

In any case however, I guess I'm generally back. I hope it stays.

Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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